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Everything posted by tasethegraffking

  1. ok thanks very vool man I love you hmu and I'll give you some ph accounts
  2. Thank You I hope Theres one left for me
  3. Last year I used to crack alot of dominos accounts and I allways got pizza until one dayy I ordered some pizza to my friends house and the cops came. They said that we were using a stolen credit card and we ended up telling them that we found the account on reddit and got away with it. Ive havent odered pizzas since then and I wanna know if theres a way to order stuff on cracked accounts (such as nike,wish and dominos) that will be safe for me :kek:
  4. I hope this doesnt involve buying it first but thanks man
  5. Thanks man I'll only use it on monday mornings and friday nights
  6. Hope this works Whats your favorite anime?