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  1. Parenzzy

    Parenzzy [15$]

    Nets gone now so literally impossible, he had many accounts with unlimited boot time and he forgot the logins, how do I know he ain't giving them to other people and asking for a new one anyway. So do whatever u want lol at least I've actually contributed to this community unlike him
  2. Parenzzy

    Parenzzy [15$]

    Lol ur missing some screenshots where u asked me what ur login is
  3. Parenzzy

    Parenzzy [15$]

    Well I've made multiple logins for him maybe he should remember his login dets instead of asking for a new one everytime he goes to use the net :fiesta:
  4. Parenzzy

    Parenzzy [15$]

    Because I gave him unlimited boot time 3 times before on his other logins he now is on the 4th login I have him unlimited boot time but it must have bugged but tbh he should remember his shit then this wouldn't have happened
  5. Parenzzy

    Parenzzy [15$]

    And yes I said I'd give refund but didn't have to because I gave u the new login stuff, u k ow, after every time u forgot ur password I ain't a scrub just couldn't get anything done because I have exams and all I get is messages from u ? but anyway sure, get me banned
  6. Parenzzy

    Parenzzy [15$]

    I gave u login and password 4 times mate and u just blocked me on discord cause u know I'm right, good luck trying to get me banned I guess, I never scammed u. Who they gonna believe. Me or u I have 44 reps u have -16 I have 2 vouchers u have 0 I have 70+ likes u have 6 Get a life
  7. Parenzzy

    Parenzzy [15$]

    Took me 2 hours to set up and it's a bug where ur booting time got set back because of the source I'm using, I did set ur boo time but u forgot ur login credentials more than 4 times So yh guess I'm a scammer then xD And plus u have -10 rep and I never scammed u ur just angry because u want ur money back because u have realised that spending ur last $15 u had on a botnet now ur but hurt Lol.... -10 rep and ur calling Me a scammer
  8. Parenzzy


    Parenzzy --------------------------------------------------- Go to this link: [hide][/hide] And download basically any PC game u want for free, and most of them have multiplayer included Like OR Report your choice :fiesta: Thanks :fiesta:
  9. these people protect u and your country and this is how u repay them.... disgraceful -3rep
  10. Parenzzy -------------------------------------------- Looking for Rust steam key DM me on discord: Parenzzy#1010
  11. how tf do i use this then do i need netflix already installed on my android
  12. Title says it all add my discord: Parenzzy#1010
  13. [align=center]Parenzzy ---------------------------------------------- Prices: $5 - Month $15 - lifetime Hard hitting net DM me on discord: Parenzzy#1010[/align]