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Everything posted by plus44

  1. Awesome!! Loving this forum and what you guys share.
  2. Hope this one isn't filtered either. Thank you.
  3. You the man! Thanks so much. OP, it says filtered link. Can you post it with dashes and spaces or just a new link?
  4. Thanks again... Pretty sure this will be my last comment for now. Got about 500k proxies, so this is gonna keep me busy for awhile. THANK YOU!
  5. I know right, this guy is a legend haha. Thanks OP I FUCKING LOVE THIS FORUM SO MUCH. So glad I found it <3<3<3
  6. Much Love <3 These are helping out with customer orders so much. thank you
  7. Thanks I'd like to mention these blogs that get updated with really fast proxies daily so i don't seem like a leach Very fast, most work with most sites with 5 second timeout or less
  8. Lmao same here. Currently 187,000 lines in Notepad++ This forum is so awesome. Any idea on how to randomize a file with 1 million lines? I'm sure there are thousands of dead proxies at random points throughout
  9. Thanks man. Not trying to be spamming or anything. Really just don't have too much else to say. Still getting the hang of things around here
  10. Amazing! I fucking love this place! You guys rock!
  11. Love this forum already! I fucking love you all for these lists!!!
  12. New to this forum. Just found it from a Google search. Will consider upgrading once I get a feel for things around here. Thanks in advance for this list.