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Everything posted by soulnous1

  1. The price is 0.5 btc , one time one payment , no monthly plans/weekly, includes FREE Updates.
  2. Hi there, And Thank you for your interest in my product! [-Selling 4 copies only-] Is there any free version or trials? No. There will never be a free version or trials. It captures the following: - Members/Non-members - If the acc is locked - If the acc is banned - Authenticator. - If the account is logged in. Features : - U can load into the program your proxies by pasting the URL of the pool of the proxies, and then the program will refresh that link every 30 minutes and will replace the old proxies by the new proxies. - world chosen option: U can set your OWN worlds, for example, u can do that the program will check the account on the next worlds: 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307. this is a very good option because it can to avoid all of the locked accs/banned accs , by changing the worlds numbers every time. very easy. - smart proxy usage - With 10k proxies the program will check almost 2-4million logins, the program doesn't burn the proxies. -Multithreaded, U can to set the threads to any amount, 0-1000000000 for example, the program won't Crash, also u can load into the program even 50million text file and the program won't crash. Between 30-60k CPM, With shitty proxies, if u will get private and good proxies u can easily get up to 80k CPM. I can prove that the program do between 30-60k CPM, I even recorded a video, 60 seconds video of the program - [video=youtube] In the video i did 200 threads ONLY! Also, my checker doesn't lock the accounts and doesn't ban them. There's also blocked requests, in the video, u can see that there are almost 5000 blocked requests, the program rechecks every blocked request with updated proxy, in the video, u can see also that amount of blocked requests since I used when I recorded that video so I used shitty proxies lol. If you’re interested in buying the checker you can add me on telegram: soulnous XMPP - or PM If someone wants me to prove, I can screenshare anytime. Cheers! <3 daily bump guys 1 :)
  3. thank you for sharing brother Pepelove
  4. I am selling , 60k cpm ! the fastest in the market , dm me.
  5. Blaze is Better Than This But Still Thanks For Your Work.
  6. Hey man, thanks for taking the time to share this with us +1
  7. lets wonder into the world of gaming, appreciated mate