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Everything posted by Extraordinary

  1. dude u should thank him he take some time to find you guys some thing its ok maybe he well get better :kek: or maybe u have bad tracker i dont care at all but i care about the guys getting the combos(the users not the host) I can get 5-10 mil combos in no matter of time and i have Axenta
  2. Not a single hit but ok those are not HQ so please dont fake post
  3. Those ads are getting in my nerves, why the fuck would you lie about your own product. https://gyazo.com/9792570a89af41a8a40ddda43fbe94c5 and what u get this : https://gyazo.com/155cbf6807a01c4678d48d3dc9046dac not to mention out of stocks :fyou:
  4. good job my guy, keep posting
  5. If u post ad link one more time, you are screwed
  6. IDK why but I feel like regretting liking your posts Alabama faggot.
  7. Nightcore, kpop, rap Thanks for asking
  8. How u get that gay as fuck award, i want that too
  9. So, there is one guy on discord who is legit, mas a great voice... here here, don't waste time reading, just listen https://instaud.io/3HOc And one bonus thing for you, a girl he was talking to https://instaud.io/3HO9
  10. Ok. Thanks, I was really looking for one of these
  11. @Odin I love the devil and hate god so for me I myself and @Vassilios are the best users
  12. I know that, its just makes me sad to go from 49.99 EUR to 59.99 EUR :( {And just edit the text for fuck sake, it looks ugly) Thanks for trying to upgrade me buddy Kappa :kek: right
  13. It is supposed to be 59.99 EUR I hope I get rewarded for this, like a supreme upgrade for example
  14. oh nice... you are robbing people but it's fine... I would like a vouch copy when u release it (the method how you do it ofc)
  15. Extraordinary


    No thanks, id rather keep mine but I want that premium subscription :thinking: what do I do?