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  1. i can't find any rules in the twitch tos regarding streaming something like bustabit, but i feel that would be a hell of a lot of fun to stream, even more than a battle royale. can anyone confirm if that would break twitch tos? EDIT: nevermind, i'm a complete and total dumbass. i live in america, where its illegal to gamble (generally speaking) so i'd be banned. good to know for others though, should be okay if you live in a country where gambling is more legal
  2. I'm an avid purchaser of twitch subs, and am getting to the point I may go with some higher numbers. Right now i get around 300 subs per month bought, not including actual organic subs, so I have a few questions: 1) If i make it all look organic, like true growth instead of just bumping up to 1500 subs (this number being my magical full time number) would I fall under the radar? like for example, go from 20 per day one month, then around 35 per day, then 50 per day, so it actually seems organic. anyone have experience with this? i've asked a few people on the site via DM, I just want to gather as much info as i can before venturing further. 2) if the answer to the above question is to not do it that way, whats a good way to diversify the subs? like streaming on a few different accounts, where can i purchase some affiliate accounts and such, what would be a best practice to avoid detection with, for example, 3 accounts thanks! EDIT: i want to provide an example scenario... lets say i have 3 twitch affiliate accounts ready to go, one of which is my main one that i enjoy actually streaming on. if i get necessary hours on each one, even if its just bullshit kind of streams like a constant "be right back" screen, could i say go right into ordering around 500 subs per account? thats my magic number as listed above. thanks
  3. mila kunis fap material? sign me the fuck up
  4. Will check it out, hopefully this one works! Edit: definitely works! now, would i need to run on a VPN while i stream? how detectable is this bot, anyone know?
  5. what exactly is a twitch checker? i see these all over, but don't know what exactly they are or what they do
  6. I am an avid purchaser of twitch subs, i make my living as a streamer, and about 80% of my income comes from bought subs. I'm curious though about a few things. The first is this: 1) Could I get in any legal trouble? There are many ways to get amazon prime subs, ranging from legitimately illegal ways like account hacking, to paying someone a dollar to use their amazon prime for twitch, then on you. Obviously doing black hat kind of t hings, like hacking amazon accounts, can be illegal. But truthfully, can I get in trouble? I do my best to avoid paper trails such as using different accounts, paying with BTC and such. My second question is: 2) what do I do as far as taxes are concerned? I know most of you probably aren't a tax professional, but can something like this be written off as a business expense? Like as advertising type things. I want to avoid any and all legal trouble with this, but i don't wanna pay up the ass for taxes lol. Just wanted to get thoughts on this so I can better understand what i'm getting myself into. Thanks