V3jsil 4 [align=center] Quote OK NEWB, YOU WANNA GET SOME GOOD STEAM ACCOUNTS? FIRST YOU NEED TO GET SOME PROGRAMS; Slayer Leecher v0.6 All In One Checker Gather Proxy (You can find them all at Youtube) 1. Step You need combo lists!! You can find them into Cracked.to>Cracked>Combolists If you want to make yourself a combolist, I'll show you how! Open Slayer Leecher. In the Keyword box write some keywords (you can find some on the Internet) After You wrote some keywords Click on search settings and uncheck all exept Pastebin Set "Resultat of Last" to 24 Hour AND START! After you got some 1000 resultat click Stop Click on Filtring then Grab and save your resultat. Click Pass to Leecher Click on load links and select your resultat .txt file. [align=left] So now you need to get https proxies. You can download [/align] [align=center]some from google or make YOUR OWN! Open Gather Proxy and Wait to load [/align] Click on the right side start Wait a little bit. You will get a little windows that says "GATHER PROXY HAS COMPLETED" Click ok Now right click on one ip Select Export all Name your proxy txt file and save it You got proxies! Now back to Slayer Leecher After you loaded your links Click on NO PROXY and select HTTP/HTTPS And load your proxy file that you saved earlier Click start. After all links are used click Stop then click Remove Duplicates Save your resultat as combo.txt Congratulations you made your first combo list! 2. Step Now you will check your combo list. Open All In One Checker Click on "Добавить базу" and load your combo.txt Then click on "Прокси" and get your proxy file .txt Then on the right side check "Искать в писмах" And under "Искать в писмах" there will be a text box In the text box type @steampowered.com Click Ctapt on the right side On the middle you will get mails which work. Access the mails with Mozilla Thunderbird Take the emails that have next to them numbers 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Do not take any other emails with another numbers! If you got the account please like this! [/align] Enjoy the accounts!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites