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“With capture” and “mail access” accounts

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Whats the difference and meaning of the two terms? Does it mean you can change the email on cracked account to what you want?  :thinking:

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[align=center]Real dope dealer, I’m not nothing like them weirdos :fiesta:


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Whats the difference and meaning of the two terms? Does it mean you can change the email on cracked account to what you want?  :thinking:


lets say your checking on an origin combolist .. if the checker has "capture" it will show you what games are on the account when you get a hit ..


and mail access means that you have access to the email so you login to the email and take the account

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Whats the difference and meaning of the two terms? Does it mean you can change the email on cracked account to what you want?  :thinking:


lets say your checking on an origin combolist .. if the checker has "capture" it will show you what games are on the account when you get a hit ..


and mail access means that you have access to the email so you login to the email and take the account

Gotcha. Was wondering what the difference between “Netflix with mail access” and “netflix With capture”. 


Seems like all of them come with a email but I understand a little better thanks

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Whats the difference and meaning of the two terms? Does it mean you can change the email on cracked account to what you want?  :thinking:


lets say your checking on an origin combolist .. if the checker has "capture" it will show you what games are on the account when you get a hit ..


and mail access means that you have access to the email so you login to the email and take the account

Gotcha. Was wondering what the difference between “Netflix with mail access” and “netflix With capture”. 


Seems like all of them come with a email but I understand a little better thanks


well if it says just netflix with capture it means it would show you the email and password and what kind of subscribtion is on the account like HD or UHD .. and with that email and pass you can login directly to the netflix account with ON THE NETFLIX WEBSITE ..


but if it says mail access it means you login to the email and restore the netflix .. and when i say login to the email i mean like if you get an email like [email protected] you go to and login with it

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Thnx broooooooooooooooo

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