BabiKoqii_APPEAL 0 Profile link: Ban date:06.22.2019 Reason of the ban:security issue Who banned you: @Vassilios Did you read the forum rules after being banned:Yes Why do you think that you should be unbanned: because i didnt have anything to do with the reason i got banned Additional information:the past coupple of days i was RATTED by a kid. So i dont think i had anything to do with the reason i got banned Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vassilios 220 I just want to say for the record that as I have shown in the Staff Discord all the ratted people had Babi's program open when they got ratted which seemed to be open upon execution. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BabiKoqii_APPEAL 0 I just want to say for the record that as I have shown in the Staff Discord all the ratted people had Babi's program open when they got ratted which seemed to be open upon execution. The thing is it wasnt my program i dont know coding that well i only made 2 checkers the tunnelbear one, and spotify and of course the proxy checker but that was uploaded after i was ratted Although i still don't understand how someone got into my account, i even had 2fa on. Edit: might have been with cookies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jocker 270 Please provide registration email, country, city and internet service provider Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BabiKoqii_APPEAL 0 Please provide registration email, country, city and internet service provider Email: Country: Kosovo/Albania but in ip sometime says serbia City: Prishtina ISP: Kujtesa Net Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jocker 270 Password has been changed to ^+`"<96[n+e/@fB2 and ban lifted. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites