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Cracking Programs

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Enjoy kiddos!  :hype:

Hey idk why im typing here. 


 However here is a small list of some cracking programs...

Because none of these programs are made by me i strongly suggest using a sandbox or vps. 




1. Ez Dork Searcher VirusTotal:



2. SQLi Dumper v.8.0 VirusTotal:



3. TSP Dork generator v8.0 VirusTotal:



4. Keyword shitter




5. Proxy Scraper VirusTotal:





I know i'ts a pretty small list. Just wanted to make a list for new people who want to start cracking. 

I might do more leaks later on like Axenta and so on. Hope you enjoy anyway! :feelsgood: 


(Also i do use these programs in a sandbox and have been for a long time just stay safe...)






Like and don't be Leeching :pepegun:

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