Bhaviiin69 11 Drop a like for more content like this [hide]1. Get a Serial Number You can go and buy one of the marketplace (CLICK) or you can SE one of sites like craigslist. Make a preset text like this: Quote Hey there I am very interested in the Pixel 3 but had several issues with fake ones in the past. Would you be so nice and snap me a photo of the imei on the box so I can verify it online? Keep in mind that we are looking for a phone thats still sealed to bypass their authentication steps. Always try to get photos from the SIM Card Tray IMEI and the one on the box. If possible both on one photo. 2. Contact Google You can now go ahead and contact google via chat/mail or by phone. Pros of calling them: + you can act and get them to send a replacement faster Chat also works tho. 3. Excuses to use and excuses not to use NEVER say there is something wrong with the battery |-> They will want it back to inspect (& more pics) Say that you got the phone fresh out of the box and it didnt turn on at all. You bought it from a store that is now closing down/ You got it as a Gift / Won it at a Giveaway 4. AR# / RMA# Now comes the part with two options: AR: They offer you an advanced replacement and they will add the IMEI (Pixel) ro your Account. You now need a vcc with around 40$ on it in order for them to get their needed replacement hold. In this case always use a drop or a reship (Drop prefered) RMA: In case of a RMA you will have to box them. Theirefore you can either use dry ice or use an empty box. You will receive a prepaid label from google which you will use to send the empty/dry-ice package. They will contact you saying that the package was empty. NOW its important to act dumb: You can go ahead and call them (not needed) and explain that you put it in the package but had experience with lost packages / lost goods in you neighborhood. Now just wait some more days and they will send a replacement (90% non-refurb). I also recommend using a reship/drop here. [/hide] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IVIemes 1 Drop a like for more content like this Thanks for posting Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OGBUAP 0 Hope is not a copy and paste and yes, this is a copy and paste lmao Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RedSniperZeroYT 0 Drop a like for more content like this thank you bro :fiesta: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Josephabdlhamid 1 Drop a like for more content like this thanks for this my guy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SeptiCyphis 0 much gratitude to you new phone is needed Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
No_Accnt_Free 3 Drop a like for more content like this thanks a lot brooo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nexinho 0 Thank you for sharing the method. I appreciate Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stewie1 1 changed what password? hwo can others change YOUR password?! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theguy_1324 1 Dndndnd djdndndnd didn’t. D ddkdndn dnsos Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites