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New users suggestion!

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I have thought about this , what's your guys opinion ? Allow new users to post only in lounge or sections where cracking stuff can't be shared with them just after they have got an amount of threads and posts . I think this way we will not have a lot of leechers , but we will have just a few and we will get more legit members  :smart:

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i agree, i see a lot of retarded reposts of things already done by hq users and a lot of people that just quote a post and leave.

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i agree, i see a lot of retarded reposts of things already done by hq users and a lot of people that just quote a post and leave. check this out :kappa:

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i agree, i see a lot of retarded reposts of things already done by hq users and a lot of people that just quote a post and leave. check this out :kappa:


why dont we hang out ;)

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i agree, i see a lot of retarded reposts of things already done by hq users and a lot of people that just quote a post and leave. check this out :kappa:


why dont we hang out ;)


hahaha lol

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This wouldn't decrease the leechers, it would only increase the spam threads so they can unlock content faster.

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This wouldn't decrease the leechers, it would only increase the spam threads so they can unlock content faster.


It's still way easier to get them and ban them , the leechers are searching for cracking content , that's why I said it's better for them to be locked with another content until they reach a goal of threads  :hype:

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This wouldn't decrease the leechers, it would only increase the spam threads so they can unlock content faster.


well to fix that problem what you could do is make a system in which you need to have a certain amount of likes or even rep to prevent likeboosting to access the cracking section.

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