VeloxVPN 0[/img] Hello everyone, Thank you for your time and interest in our product. For those who don't know, VeloxVPN is an Austrian startup registered in Vienna. The primary concern of this company is educating and solving the privacy problems by providing privacy-oriented features. In this giveaway, you'll be able to win a copy of VeloxVPN Advanced. Our plan is to constantly upgrade the service, as well as expand the company to multiple sectors in Security area. In order to join the giveaway, please answer the following question and leave a reply with desired number (1-500). In 7 days from now, we'll be choosing two winners - recording will be available to ensure the quality and transparency. Question What feature do we highlight and focus on the most? Feel free to use the format below to post an answer I'm hereby joining the giveaway and agree to not leech. Answer: Number: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites