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C++ - How do i start game hacking

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Okay imo i am alright with c++.

Couple months ago i built my own cs cheat with aimbot, bhop, no recoil and some other shit features. 


However, i havent been doing any game hacking since then and completely forgot most of the stuff.


Any tutorials? How do i begin?


P.S : I already know RPM/WPM and how to open a handle

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This is one of the old codes, so I hope it will help you get back to the game at least halfway from what you were, anyways you made mistake when you didn't sometimes read or write some codes. You know how they say, repetition is the mother of knowledge. 

If nothing is clear of this, then I suggest. Start learning from the beginning. :fuck:




int stamina;	// will store the stamina value

bool dostamina = false;		// determines if user activated stamina freezing

LPVOID stamina_addr =	(void*) 0x007F1110;		// memory address of the stamina value in the WarRock process

void screen()	// output
system("cls");	// clear the screen
printf("Hello World! This is my first WarRock trainer!  \n\n");

if(dostamina) printf("[1] - freeze stamina [ENABLED]\n");	// if user enabled stamina freeze, let him know!
else printf("[1] - freeze stamina [disabled]\n");			// same if it's disabled

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
HANDLE hProcessSnap;	// will store a snapshot of all processes
HANDLE hProcess = NULL;	// we will use this one for the WarRock process
PROCESSENTRY32 pe32;	// stores basic info of a process, using this one to read the ProcessID from

hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );	// make process snapshot

pe32.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 );		// correct size

Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe32);	// read info about the first process into pe32

do	// loop to find the WarRock process
	if(strcmp(pe32.szExeFile, "WarRock.exe") == 0)	// if WarRock was found
		hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pe32.th32ProcessID);	// open it, assigning to the hProcess handle
		break;	// break the loop
while(Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32));	// loop continued until Process32Next deliver NULL or its interrupted with the "break" above

CloseHandle( hProcessSnap );	// close the handle (just fuckin do it)

if(hProcess == NULL)	// self explanatory tbh
	printf("WarRock not found\n\n");
	getch();	// wait for a key press. otherwise the app will just close so fast when the process is not found, you wont know wtf happened.
	screen();	// print the display

	char key = ' ';	// make a key variable to store pressed keys

	while(key != VK_ESCAPE)	// loop until user presses Escape

		if(kbhit())		// if a key was pressed
			key = getch();	// it is saved into "key"

			switch(key)		// here the commands are handled depending on the key that was pressed
			{				// case '1': ... break;  case '2': ... break; and so on
			case '1':
				dostamina = !dostamina;		// flip the dostamina value true<->false to enable/disable it
				ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, stamina_addr, &stamina, 4, NULL);	// read the stamina value from the memory into the "stamina" variable

			screen();	// print the display after each key press


		if(dostamina)	// if stamina freeze is activated
			WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, stamina_addr, &stamina, 4, NULL);	// write the stamina value that was saved before with the key press into memory

	CloseHandle(hProcess);	// close the handle


return 0;	// THE END

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