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Anyone has depression like me ?

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ye sometimes

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ya lol been in different treatments for the past 19 years which is most of my life. It never really got better for me. Just surround yourself with things/people you love and stay away from drinking/drugs. Trust me it makes u feel better for a while but long term will fuck u up bad esp with depression/mental illness. Find a hobby you love and get completely engulfed in it. Those are my only tips. My fiance and making music are the only things keeping me alive lol.

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Reply pls :pepe:

Sometimes, but... yes

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for anyone that has it, I hope you get better and know ur not alone :)

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Thankfully only briefly years ago.Hope you can get through it and feel ok again.

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No, not really. Try some meds, see if the help.

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You are not alone.

The reason more and more people get depressed these days is because the world is fucked.

Jobs and other IRL stuff ask too much from us...


But yeah, like others have said.

Talk to loved ones/friends and explain what is going on.

Think of getting actual treatment in the form of talking to a Psychologist and/or medication.

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