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Reporting a Scammer - amazonshop#4662

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I bought an amazon account from his shoppy 2 days ago and waited patiently. Finally earlier he gets on discord and says hes getting the info . Over the next 3.75 hours or so he just gives bs replies saying hes got alot of orders, etc, etc. 


Well I ordered 2 days ago, almost 3. I've waited plenty. He eventually tells me to add another discord & that he was about to get on it. Little time goes by and I notice he's on same account. I message him and he says the same thing again.



He did/does not plan to supply my purchase. I may seem impatient but even if I hadn't waited around 2.75 days, a few hours is ridiculous when seller is active.



Anyways, not a dispute. I'm charging back.

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