
What's the most embarassing situation you have ever had?

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Mine was:

I went to my ex's place and we made out in the kitchen untill her father unexpectedly came home and spoted us. He did not say a shit he just punched me in the face then waited for me to leave his house I wanted to punch the bastard back :pepi:  but I was in no position to do so :pepe: ; The guy was my gf father + he was a policeman. :fuck:


Now when I meet him I look the other way :kappa:

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floraiN calling me sir everytime :(

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I got scammed by a phishing website while I had source of it and didnt swap some data. Felt like fucking autistic.

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I got scammed by a phishing website while I had source  of it and didnt swap some data. Felt like fucking autistic.


Harsh :fuck:

floraiN calling me sir everytime :(


I believe he is calling everyone that. It freaks me out really :kappa:

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I was in Maths and we were doing a test. I'd finished and I put my head down and knocked out for a few minutes, and when I ended up waking up, I made a weird grunting sound, everyone looked at me and I had to act fast, so I pretended to cough a lot.

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I was in Maths and we were doing a test. I'd finished and I put my head down and knocked out for a few minutes, and when I ended up waking up, I made a weird grunting sound, everyone looked at me and I had to act fast, so I pretended to cough a lot.


You reminded me of something that happened to me too :kek:

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