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What is the “sweetest” revenge you’ve ever taken?

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So this isn’t my story but it’s a good one my dad likes to tell. So years before I was born, my dad worked at a gas station in my hometown. There was a little old native lady that would always come in and was extremely rude to my dad. Well she also happened to have a rambunctious grandchild she always had with her too. He would run around and scream and shout and she would always yell at him to “go sit on the car.” So after a while my dad was getting sick and tired of her and her monster of a grandson tearing up his workplace that he had to clean (he worked evenings) and he heard her yell at her grandson to get on the car. So my dad went around and told they kid, out of earshot of his grandmother, “I will pay you five bucks if you go sit ON the car.” So the kid goes out and sits on the car. The old lady comes to the counter pays for her things, asks for cigarettes as usual and walks out to her car. My dad heard her yell and went outside. The old lady was yelling at the kid to get off the car. My dad hands the kid five bucks as promised smiling. The old lady then looks at my dad and starts to go off on him. He stops her and says “For a while you have been coming into the store with your grandson causing a ruckus and disturbing other costumers with your noise and even are rude to me when I’m just doing my job, I payed him to do as you told him, “get on the car” he’s just following your orders say it correctly and learn some manners.” The lady looked embarrassed and loaded up her grandson got in the car and left. A few weeks go by and the lady comes back and apologizes to my dad for all the mean comments, remarks, and all the yelling and shouting her and her grandson did in that store and then she left.

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My father LOVES to brag about owning a smartphone. He can't get enough of doing that. Always talking about how wonderful they are and how they are all better than my phone. I say "They", because he loses them every time. Instead of just trying to look for them, he goes out and gets another one. last month, he lost 1 of them. Doesn't even blink an eye and gets a replacement that same day. What he doesn't know is that this recent one wasn't lost. He left it in the laundry room. I went into the phone, removed his google account and all of his customizations, removed the sim card and modded the shit out of that phone.


Does he know that I have the phone? Fuck no. I'm not gonna stoop to his level. I got a sweet Samsung Galaxy S9 and he's none the wiser.

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