Doberman 0 [align=center]I am happy to say that we are back online after few months offline. Who are we ? We are one of the first config sellers on the market, we first was working on SentryMBA,SNIPR but recently Ruri came out with his Black Bullet and we start work closer with him, so basically we was first official config makers and sellers for Black Bullet approved by Ruri. Now when Black Bullet became Open source program, we have our version of it and we upgrade it. Our discord channel was having more than 500 online users and more than 800 tickets done. I want to apologize to our old costumers if someone have old configs for update please to contact with me or with mastercho. Vouch copies will be not provided ! (We can give vouch copy just on admin staff) We have enough experience and good feedback. LINK FOR DISCORD : HERE Here is small part of our vouchs : :fiesta: :smart: :hype: :wut: :fuck: [/align] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
laribaslimane 0 أفضل خبير للتجارة في الفوركس Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doberman 0 This is a bump and discord link added ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites