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PERL port scanner ez gezy

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   print "################################################################"
   print "#                        pERL port scanner                     #"
   print "#                      MESVAK@CRACKED.TO                       #"
   print "###############################################################"

use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;

$| = 1;

#Get host.
my $host = $ARGV[0];

#Parent thread has no parent.
my $parent = 0;

#We need a place to store child PIDs.
my @children = ();

#Port scan host.
print "Scanning $host...\n";
my $port;
FORK: for ($port=1; $port<=65535; $port++) {
my $oldpid = $$;
my $pid = fork;

#If fork failed...
if (not defined $pid) {
#If resource is not available...
if ($! =~ /Resource temporarily unavailable/) {
#Reap children.

#Retry this port.
$port --;
} else {
#Otherwise, show the error.
die "Can't fork: $!\n";
} elsif ($pid == 0) {
#This is the child. Save parent.
$parent = $oldpid;

#Clearup kids table.
@children = ();

#We don't want this thread to fork any more.
last FORK;
} else {
#This is the parent. Store child pid to wait on it later.
push @children, $pid;

#If this is a child (i.e. it has a parent)...
if ($parent) {
#Attempt to connect to $host on $port.
my $socket;
my $success = eval {
$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $host, 
PeerPort => $port, 
Proto => 'tcp'

#If the port was opened, say it was and close it.
if ($success) {
print "Port $port: Open\n";
shutdown($socket, 2);

exit 0;
} else {
#If we're not the kid, we're the parent. Do a reap. rape can be done as well XD.

#This sub is the reaper.
sub DoReap {
while (my $child = shift @children) {
waitpid $child, 0;






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i presh8 your effort thanks for this

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this is so lit I lost my hair  :hype: 

thanks for the post mate, hope it works :wut:

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