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what's the proper way to make money online

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so i'm really new in the field and i need advices or anything thank you  :fyou: :fyou: :fyou:

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It depends what your skill set is - what are you good at?


Unfortunately there aren't any 'get rich quick'; schemes on the net anymore - it all takes hard work and knowledge/skills.

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It depends what your skill set is - what are you good at?


Unfortunately there aren't any 'get rich quick'; schemes on the net anymore - it all takes hard work and knowledge/skills.


i'm okay with hard work tho i have summer holiday 

what kind of knowledge though

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The first thing I would ask myself is wheter you want to go blackhat or whitehat? Do you consider yourself a person that wants to earn his money through cracking or other illegal methods or do you want to do something that is not illegal? blackat gets you faster money but often is not as sustainable

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The first thing I would ask myself is wheter you want to go blackhat or whitehat? Do you consider yourself a person that wants to earn his money through cracking or other illegal methods or do you want to do something that is not illegal? blackat gets you faster money but often is not as sustainable


whitehat if possible thank you

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It depends what your skill set is - what are you good at?


Unfortunately there aren't any 'get rich quick'; schemes on the net anymore - it all takes hard work and knowledge/skills.


i'm okay with hard work tho i have summer holiday 

what kind of knowledge though


What sort of things are you good at? Can you do coding? graphics? know about networking? translate languages?


It doesn't matter if youre not the best at it, but without a skill its very difficult (/impossible) to make money online

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You can Learn something you feel attracted to and then post your skills for sale on sites like fiverr, Graphics may be really fun but not so profitable.

Also suitable in your case could be to manage instagram pages and sell traffic or any type of sponsorization after you grow them well.

Use fantasy and watch around you what people need, remember that ads are the most profitable and abstract way to work.

Hope I helped someone!

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It depends what your skill set is - what are you good at?


Unfortunately there aren't any 'get rich quick'; schemes on the net anymore - it all takes hard work and knowledge/skills.


i'm okay with hard work tho i have summer holiday 

what kind of knowledge though


What sort of things are you good at? Can you do coding? graphics? know about networking? translate languages?


It doesn't matter if youre not the best at it, but without a skill its very difficult (/impossible) to make money online


maybe translating yeah

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maybe translating yeah


translating is good - I know some people that do it who make decent money. It depends what language you know and how good you are at being accurate with it though. Good luck :D

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Diversify.Don't just stick to one thing, or you may get bored with it after a while.Variety is the spice of life!

If you can earn money by doing something you actually enjoy doing, then it won't seem like you are actually "working"

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