Ar6s 7 An "undetected' python script made by kwskii Features: - Per Weapon Recoil Reduction - Per Weapon Anti Bloom - Per Weapon Fire Rate Control and Autofire - Fast Weapon Switching using Animation Canceling - Quick Shoot Hotkey using Animation Canceling - Turbo use Option to Autofire Use when the button is held down - AR Perfect Aim 100% First Shot Accuracy - Fast Edit Reset to automaticly stop editing upon rightclick [hide] You need python first ! Download python 3.5.x or higher version Copy code and paste it in text editor like Atom Save file via atom onto some folder (name it something example fortbot) Open CMD Navigate CMD to folder where you saved To start it type in cmd python (or Code : ===== Kwskii ## Features Options; - Per Weapon Recoil Reduction - Per Weapon Anti Bloom - Per Weapon Fire Rate Control and Autofire - Fast Weapon Switching using Animation Canceling - Quick Shoot Hotkey using Animation Canceling - Turbo use Option to Autofire Use when the button is held down - AR Perfect Aim 100% First Shot Accuracy - Fast Edit Reset to automaticly stop editing upon rightclick Always On Features; - Auto Reload Cancel on Weapon Switch or Use ## Usage Start Script in CMD Window """ # TODO # -Add Keybinds to select weapon loadout # -Tune Weapon Defs # -Add LMG Def # -Add Couch Peek # -Add type checker in Quick_Shoot to check if pump or rocket, etc # -Add Key Handlers like jump, escape, map, inventory, build, edit, crouch, reload # -Add Turbofarming # -Add Fast_Shoot time to Weapon Defs # -Add Crouch Modifier to Weapon Defs #Current Bugs; #Bug #1: #Effect: When Hip Firing with Recoil compensation aiming the weapon upward causes the anti recoil to over compensate. #Imports: from time import gmtime, strftime, sleep, time from ctypes import windll, c_uint, Structure, c_long, byref from win32api import GetKeyState, GetAsyncKeyState import mouse import keyboard import weapon #Weapon_Tables Init nowep = weapon.Weapon("None") Pickaxe = weapon.Weapon("Pickaxe") AR = weapon.Weapon("AR") SCAR = weapon.Weapon("SCAR") BURST = weapon.Weapon("BURST") PUMP = weapon.Weapon("PUMP") TAC = weapon.Weapon("TAC") HEAVY = weapon.Weapon("HEAVY") SMG = weapon.Weapon("SMG") S_SMG = weapon.Weapon("S_SMG") TOMMYGUN = weapon.Weapon("TOMMYGUN") P90 = weapon.Weapon("P90") HR = weapon.Weapon("HR") BOLT = weapon.Weapon("BOLT") SAR = weapon.Weapon("SAR") ROCKET = weapon.Weapon("ROCKET") NADES = weapon.Weapon("NADES") HEAL = weapon.Weapon("HEAL") #Settings; #Debug: Debug = True #Debug Mode, used for Output of Debug Info. Debug_Movement = False #If Debug Mode is On, output Mouse Movement Info. Debug_Buttons = True #If Debug Mode is On, output Mouse Button Activity. Debug_Wheel = False #If Debug Mode is On, output Mouse Wheel Movement Info. Debug_Keyboard = False #If Debug Mode is On, output Keyboard Activity. #Features; #General: Option_AR_Perfect_Aim = False #If Enabled, causes constant First Shot Accuracy with AR when in ADS. Option_Fast_Weapon_Switch = True #If Enabled, causes the Weapon Pullout Animation Cancel to be done on every weapon switch. Option_Reload_Canceling = True #If Enabled, causes an Animation Cancel to occur if reloading when attempting to use. #Quick Shoot: Option_Quick_Shoot = True #If Enabled, allows an instant fire of a specific weapon choosen below. if Option_Quick_Shoot: Quick_Shoot_Default_Weapon = PUMP QuickShoot_Fire_Attempts = 40 #(Delay is 10ms so loop of 40 is around 400ms). #Turbo Use: Option_Turbo_Use = True #When Enabled, causes the use Key to Autofire when held down. Delay_Turbo_Use = 0.060 #Time inbetween autofire + the natural 20ms delay for the keypress. #Editing: Option_Fast_Edit_Reset = True #When the Reset Edit Button is Pressed, Instantly exit edit mode. #Ghost Peaking(TODO): Use_Ghost_Peaking = True #If Enabled, uses a Modifier Key to enable fast crouching while shooting. Ghost_Peak_Delay = 100 #Time between Ghost Peak Shots. #Fast Farming(TODO): Fast_Farming = False #If Enabled, Uses a Button to activate "Current Farming Exploit". Turbofarm_Activation_Window = 300 #Delay from pressing "Farming_Button" to start Normal Farming instead of turbo. Turbofarm_Fast_Swing_Delay = 200 Turbofarm_Emote_Time = 70 Turbofarm_Slow_Swing_Delay = 400 Turbofarm_Emote_Cancel_Delay = 300 STWAF = False #If Enabled, Switch to a Weapon of Choice after Farming. STWAF_WeaponSlot = 1 #Weapon to Switch to after Farming. #Anti Recoil: Use_No_Recoil_ADS = True #If Enabled, Reduces Recoil when ADS Firing. Use_No_Recoil_Hipfire = True #If Enabled, Reduces Recoil when Hip Firing. Use_Jitter = True #If Enabled, Moves the Aim back and forth while firing. #Weapon Slot Options Default_Ingame_Weapon_Slot1 = AR Default_Ingame_Weapon_Slot2 = PUMP Default_Ingame_Weapon_Slot3 = SMG Default_Ingame_Weapon_Slot4 = HR Default_Ingame_Weapon_Slot5 = HEAL #------------------------------- #Keybinds; #------------------------------- #Macro Related; #------------------------------- #General: Keybind_Fire = "left" #Key to Shoot Weapons. #Key to Fast Fire Pre Set Weapon. if Option_Quick_Shoot: Keybind_QuickShoot_Button = "x2" Keybind_QuickShoot_Button_Code = 0x06 Keybind_Enable = "middle" #Key to Enable/Disable the Macro. Keybind_Edit = "alt" #Desired Key to go into edit mode.(Must have In-game set to alternate). Keybind_Use = "f" #Desired key for Use. if Option_Turbo_Use: Keybind_Use_Key_Code = 0x46 #Weapon Keybinds Part 1 (Macro) #----------------------------------------------- #Set these to the same as in-game if not using fast weapon switching. #If using fast weapon switching set these to your desired keys for each slot- #and scroll down to set the alternate in game key binds so the fast switch can work. Keybind_Weapon_Slot1 = "2" Keybind_Weapon_Slot2 = "3" Keybind_Weapon_Slot3 = "4" Keybind_Weapon_Slot4 = "z" Keybind_Weapon_Slot5 = "x" Keybind_Weapon_Pickaxe = "l" #Ingame; #These Keybinds should match the ones set in game. #------------------------------- #General: Ingame_Keybind_Jump = "space" Ingame_Keybind_Crouch = "shift" #Ingame Keybind set for Crouch. Ingame_Keybind_Fire = "k" #Ingame Keybind set to Fire(Not Mouse1!!!). if Option_Turbo_Use: Ingame_Keybind_Use = "i" else: Ingame_Keybind_Use = Keybind_Use Ingame_Keybind_Reload = "r" #Weapon Keybinds Part 2 (In-game) # Fast Weapon Switching: #------------------------------------------------- #Used ONLY when Option_Fast_Weapon_Switch is Enabled. #Fast Weapon Switching is Required to have intermedary control over the weapon keys so- #they need to be set to something different in-game. #Ignore this Section if not using Fast Weapon Switching. if Option_Fast_Weapon_Switch == True: Ingame_Weapon_Slot1 = "p" Ingame_Weapon_Slot2 = "6" Ingame_Weapon_Slot3 = "7" Ingame_Weapon_Slot4 = "8" Ingame_Weapon_Slot5 = "9" Ingame_Weapon_Pickaxe = "0" else: Ingame_Weapon_Slot1 = Keybind_Weapon_Slot1 Ingame_Weapon_Slot2 = Keybind_Weapon_Slot2 Ingame_Weapon_Slot3 = Keybind_Weapon_Slot3 Ingame_Weapon_Slot4 = Keybind_Weapon_Slot4 Ingame_Weapon_Slot5 = Keybind_Weapon_Slot5 Ingame_Weapon_Pickaxe = Keybind_Weapon_Pickaxe #Other Weapons Weapon_Trap = "5" #Actual In-game Keybind used to select traps. #Building: Ingame_Keybind_Ramp = "e" #Actual Ingame Keybind set for Ramp. Ingame_Keybind_Wall = "x" #Actual Ingame Keybind set for Wall(Thumb Button 2 on Logetech G502). Ingame_Keybind_Platform = "q" #Actual Ingame Keybind set for Platform. Ingame_Keybind_Roof = "[" #Actual Ingame Keybind set for Roof. #Editing: Ingame_Keybind_Edit = "]" #Alternate Ingame Keybind set for Edit. Ingame_Keybind_Edit_Reset = "right" #Actual Ingame Keybind set for Edit Reset. #Emoting: Keybind_EmoteWheel_Up = "up" Keybind_EmoteWheel_Down = "down" Keybind_Emote = "n" Keybind_FastEmote1 = "f1" Keybind_FastEmote2 = "f2" Keybind_FastEmote3 = "f3" #Globals: global Running global Enabled global Current_Weapon global Current_Loadout global JitterFlop global Editing global Building global Crouching global Jumping global Reloading global Using #Main Functions; #Main Function: Gets run at start after init. def main(): # Print out a List of the Globals to Check Inits. DebugPrint('Printing Globals List:') DebugPrintGlobals() #Hook Logical Mouse Events. DebugPrint('Hooking Mouse Input') mouse.hook(Mouse_Input) #Hook Logical Keyboard Events. DebugPrint('Hooking Keyboard Input') keyboard.hook(Keyboard_Input) #Helper Functions; #Move Mouse: Moves Mouse Relative to Current Location. def Move_Mouse(x, y): windll.user32.mouse_event( c_uint(0x0001), c_uint(x), c_uint(y), c_uint(0), c_uint(0) ) class POINT(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", c_long), ("y", c_long)] def queryMousePosition(): pt = POINT() windll.user32.GetCursorPos(byref(pt)) return pt #Cancel Anim: Cancels Weapon Switching Animation and Pickaxe Swings. def Cancel_Anim(Weapon, Emote_Bind): #Emote to cancel pull out animation.; sleep(0.100); #Switch to Desired Weapon. Switch_to_Weapon(Weapon) sleep(0.020); keyboard.release(Emote_Bind); sleep(0.030); #Converts Inventory Slot ID to actual weapon slot. def InvSlot_to_WeaponKeybind(InvSlot): if InvSlot == 0: return Ingame_Weapon_Slot1 if InvSlot == 1: return Ingame_Weapon_Slot2 if InvSlot == 2: return Ingame_Weapon_Slot3 if InvSlot == 3: return Ingame_Weapon_Slot4 if InvSlot == 4: return Ingame_Weapon_Slot5 #Check Quick Shoot Button Function. def isPressed_QuickShoot_Button(): QuickShoot_Button_State = GetKeyState(Keybind_QuickShoot_Button_Code) DebugPrint("MB6:{0}".format(QuickShoot_Button_State)) if QuickShoot_Button_State < 0: return True return False def Toggle_Enabled(): global Enabled if Enabled: Enabled = False else: Enabled = True DebugPrint("Enabled changed to {0}".format(Enabled)) #Debug PrintFunction: Print's Debug Output if Debug is Enabled. def DebugPrint(s): if Debug: print("{0}:{1}".format(strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()),s)); def DebugPrintGlobals(): for k, v in globals().items(): print("{0} = {1}".format(k, v)) #Turbo Use Function: Sends the Use Event as long as the Use key is held down. def Turbo_Use(): global Reloading global Using #Check if we are Reloading and want to use Reload Canceling. if Reloading and Option_Reload_Canceling: #Since we are canceling the Reload, set global to false. Reloading = False Using = False #Switch Directly to Pickaxe to Cancel the Reload. keyboard.send(Ingame_Weapon_Pickaxe); sleep(0.020); #Switch Back to the Weapon we had before the Animation Cancel. Switch_to_Weapon(Current_Weapon) #Check if we are'nt already Using. if not Using: Using = True DebugPrint("Detected Use Action") #Handle Turbo Use Action. if Option_Turbo_Use: overrun = 400 #While Use Key is Down Loop. while True: #Overrun Protection. overrun = overrun - 1 if overrun == 0: break sleep(0.020) #Sleep To prevent GetKeyState Lockup. if windll.user32.GetKeyState(Keybind_Use_Key_Code) >= 0: break DebugPrint("Sending Turbo Use Action") #Send Use Action. sleep(0.020) keyboard.release(Ingame_Keybind_Use) #Delay a Pre Set amount. sleep(Delay_Turbo_Use) else: print("Sending Use Action") keyboard.send(Ingame_Keybind_Use) sleep(0.080) #Shooting Functions; #Quick_Shoot: Quick Switches to Desired Weapon, pulls trigger and then switches back. def Quick_Shoot(Weapon): global Editing global Building global Reloading #Set Building and Editing to False since we are now shooting. Building = False Editing = False #Store our Current Weapon so we can return to it after Quick. OldWeapon = Current_Weapon print("Insta Shooting {0}".format( #Loop Until Button is Detected while True: if not isPressed_QuickShoot_Button(): break #Break to Handle Quick Shoot. sleep(0.100) #Check if we are ADS MB2_State = GetKeyState(0x02) DebugPrint("Checking for MB2 or Reload") if MB2_State < 0 or Reloading: #We are ADS and trying to shoot with No Recoil. DebugPrint("Detected MB2 for ADS or Reloading") keyboard.send(Ingame_Weapon_Pickaxe); sleep(0.020); #Since we are shooting and have canceled any reload anim by now set it to false. Reloading = False #Emote to cancel pull out animation. Cancel_Anim(Weapon, Keybind_FastEmote3) count = 0 #Loop while Attempting to Fire at a specified count. while True: count = count + 1 if count == QuickShoot_Fire_Attempts: break #Break when we have hit the end of the delay. #Send Fire Event. keyboard.send(Ingame_Keybind_Fire) DebugPrint("Firing Fast") sleep(0.010) #Switch back to Weapon that was Active before the Fast Shoot. Switch_to_Weapon(OldWeapon) sleep(0.100) #Check if MB1 is still down. Handle_MB1_Down() #Fire: Handles No Recoil and Anti Bloom def Fire(ADS, Recoil): global JitterFlop global Crouching global Reloading #Init Locals local_Jitter = 0 local_Jitter_ADS = 0 #We are Shooting and not reloading so set global to False Reloading = False Local_Mouse_Pos = queryMousePosition() DebugPrint("Sending Simulated Fire Event") #Send the input to fire the weapon sleep(0.020) #Delay to ensure the fire button gets recognized by the game if != "Pickaxe" and (Current_Weapon.type == "AR" or Current_Weapon.type == "SMG"): #We are Shooting with Fire Button Down and without a Pickaxe if Current_Weapon.ControlFireRate: #Release the Fire Button if we are controlling Fire Rate keyboard.release(Ingame_Keybind_Fire) #If Fire has beeen called with the Recoil Bool then we can compensate if Recoil: #We are not Pickaxing and wanting to use Jitter so set it based on weapon if Use_Jitter: if JitterFlop == False: JitterFlop = True local_Jitter = Current_Weapon.jitter local_Jitter_ADS = Current_Weapon.jitter_ADS else: JitterFlop = False local_Jitter = Current_Weapon.jitter * -1 local_Jitter_ADS = Current_Weapon.jitter_ADS * -1 if Current_Weapon.firstshot == 0: Current_Weapon.firstshot = time() print("firstshot: {0}".format(time())) if ADS: #mouse.move(local_Jitter_ADS, Current_Weapon.recoil_ADS_Static, absolute=False, duration=Current_Weapon.update_time_ADS) Move_Mouse(local_Jitter_ADS, Current_Weapon.recoil_ADS_Init) else: print("current coursor pos: X:{0}, Y:{1}".format(Local_Mouse_Pos.x, Local_Mouse_Pos.y)) Move_Mouse(local_Jitter, Current_Weapon.recoil_Hip_Init) else: difference = time() - Current_Weapon.firstshot print("Not firstshot, Difference: {0}".format(difference)) if ADS: #mouse.move(local_Jitter_ADS, Current_Weapon.recoil_ADS_Static, absolute=False, duration=Current_Weapon.update_time_ADS) if difference >= Current_Weapon.recoil_ADS_Init_Delay: Move_Mouse(local_Jitter_ADS, Current_Weapon.recoil_ADS_Static) else: Move_Mouse(local_Jitter_ADS, Current_Weapon.recoil_ADS_Init) else: if difference >= Current_Weapon.recoil_Hip_Init_Delay: print("current coursor pos: X:{0}, Y:{1}".format(Local_Mouse_Pos.x, Local_Mouse_Pos.y)) Move_Mouse(local_Jitter, Current_Weapon.recoil_Hip_Static) else: print("current coursor pos: X:{0}, Y:{1}".format(Local_Mouse_Pos.x, Local_Mouse_Pos.y)) Move_Mouse(local_Jitter, Current_Weapon.recoil_Hip_Init) #mouse.move(local_Jitter, Current_Weapon.recoil_Hip_Static, absolute=False, duration=Current_Weapon.update_time) DebugPrint("Done Sending Simulated Fire Event") #Switch to Weapon: Finds Weapon in Current Loadout and Switches to it def Switch_to_Weapon(Weapon): global Editing global Building global Current_Weapon global Reloading if Weapon == Current_Weapon and not Building and not Editing: return 2 #Return Error:2 Which means Weapon is Already Out. #Check if we are trying to switch to the Pickaxe. if == "Pickaxe": DebugPrint("Attempting to Switch Weapon to Pickaxe") #Send Event to Switch to Pickaxe. keyboard.send(Ingame_Weapon_Pickaxe) #Set the Global to the new weapon. Current_Weapon = Weapon #Reset Globals. Building = False Editing = False Reloading = False return 1 #Return 1 for Success. else: #We are trying to switch to another weapon other than the pickaxe. DebugPrint("Attempting to Switch Weapon\nSearching for Weapon:{0} in Current Loadout".format( #Parse the Players Current Loadout for the Weapon. for i in range(len(Current_Loadout)): DebugPrint("Checking Inventory Slot{0}\nFound: {1}".format(i, if == DebugPrint("Found Weapon, Attempting Switch") #Switch to the Found weapon keyboard.send(InvSlot_to_WeaponKeybind(i)) #Set the Global to the new weapon. Current_Weapon = Weapon #Reset Globals. Building = False Editing = False Reloading = False return 1 #Return 1 for Success. elif i >= 5: #We have reached the end of the Loadout. break #Break to return 3 Error. return 3 #Return 3 Which means Unknown Error. #Handle Mouse Button 1 Down, Pretty much the Bread and Butter #TODO need to find a better way to check MB1, MB2 and MB6 so it doesnt use Win32API def Handle_MB1_Down(): #Locals ADS = False overrun = 0 #Debug Out DebugPrint("MB1 Event Detected") #Loop While MB1 is down and fast shoot button is not pressed while True: #Prevent Infinite Loop from an Overrun Error. overrun = overrun + 1 if overrun >= 4000: Current_Weapon.firstshot = 0 #Reset First Shot Timer keyboard.release(Ingame_Keybind_Fire) #Relase the Actual Fire Key break #Break if we hit overrun #Use Win32API to get state of MB1 and MB2 because mouse.is_pressed() is retarted MB1_State = GetKeyState(0x01) DebugPrint("Checking if MB1 is Still Down") #Check if MB1 is still down both Logically and Hardware Based if MB1_State >= 0 and GetAsyncKeyState(0x01) == 0: Current_Weapon.firstshot = 0 #Reset First Shot Timer DebugPrint("MB1 Button Released, State: {0}".format(MB1_State)) keyboard.release(Ingame_Keybind_Fire) #Relase the Actual Fire Key break #Break if we are not pressing MB1 Anymore else: DebugPrint("MB1 Still Detected, State: {0}".format(MB1_State)) #Check if we are in Pickaxe Mode if == "Pickaxe": #Check if Quick Shoot Button is Pressed if isPressed_QuickShoot_Button() and Option_Quick_Shoot: break #Break to Handle Quick Shoot DebugPrint("Swinging Pickaxe") Fire(False, False) # Send Command to Swing Pickaxe #FastFarming would go here #if we are using Quick shoot then we need to check every 10ms during the pickaxe swing delay if Option_Quick_Shoot: count = 20 # 20x10ms = 200ms (Current Optimal Pickaxe Swingtime) while True: count = count - 1 if count <= 0: break #Break to Swing the Axe again if isPressed_QuickShoot_Button(): break #Break to Handle Quick Shoot sleep(0.010) else: #Not using Quickshoot so just delay 200ms sleep(0.200) else: # Trying to Fire something that is not a pickaxe #Check if we are trying to Quick Shoot if isPressed_QuickShoot_Button() and Option_Quick_Shoot: Current_Weapon.firstshot = 0 #Reset First Shot Timer if not Current_Weapon.ControlFireRate: #Fire Key may still be Down from Last Fire() so release it. keyboard.release(Ingame_Keybind_Fire) break #Break to Handle Quick Shoot #Check if we are ADS. MB2_State = GetKeyState(0x02) DebugPrint("Checking for MB2") #Check for MB2 both Logically and Hardware Based if MB2_State < 0 and GetAsyncKeyState(0x02) == 1: #We are ADS and trying to shoot with No Recoil DebugPrint("MB2 is Detected, Setting ADS to True") ADS = True else: ADS = False #Check if we should use anti recoil for hipfire if Use_No_Recoil_Hipfire and not ADS: #Hipfire No Recoil DebugPrint("Hipfire Reducing") Fire(False, True) #Check if we are trying to Quick Shoot if isPressed_QuickShoot_Button() and Option_Quick_Shoot: Current_Weapon.firstshot = 0 #Reset First Shot Timer if not Current_Weapon.ControlFireRate: #Fire Key may still be Down from Last Fire() so release it. keyboard.release(Ingame_Keybind_Fire) break #Break to Handle Quick Shoot #Delay for the set amount of time in the Weapon Def sleep(Current_Weapon.update_time) elif ADS and Use_No_Recoil_ADS: #ADS, No Recoil DebugPrint("ADS Reducing") Fire(True, True) #Check if we are trying to Quick Shoot if isPressed_QuickShoot_Button() and Option_Quick_Shoot: Current_Weapon.firstshot = 0 #Reset First Shot Timer if not Current_Weapon.ControlFireRate: #Fire Key may still be Down from Last Fire() so release it. keyboard.release(Ingame_Keybind_Fire) break #Break to Handle Quick Shoot #Delay for the set amount of time in the Weapon Def sleep(Current_Weapon.update_time_ADS) else: #No Recoil Mode Off DebugPrint("Not Reducing") Fire(False, False) #Check if we are trying to Quick Shoot if isPressed_QuickShoot_Button() and Option_Quick_Shoot: Current_Weapon.firstshot = 0 #Reset First Shot Timer if not Current_Weapon.ControlFireRate: #Fire Key may still be Down from Last Fire() so release it. keyboard.release(Ingame_Keybind_Fire) break #Break to Handle Quick Shoot #Delay for the set amount of time in the Weapon Def sleep(Current_Weapon.delay_time) # if Current_Weapon.ControlFireRate == False: # Current_Weapon.firstshot = 0 # keyboard.release(Ingame_Keybind_Fire) # break #Keyboard Hook Callback Function: Gets run when Keyboard activity is detected. def Keyboard_Input(Keyboard_Event): global Editing global Building global Crouching global Jumping global Reloading global Using if type(Keyboard_Event) == keyboard._keyboard_event.KeyboardEvent: #Debug Output if Debug_Keyboard: DebugPrint("Keyboard_Event: Key:{0},Scancode:{1}, Action:{2},Modifier:{3} Time:{4}".format(,Keyboard_Event.scan_code, Keyboard_Event.event_type, Keyboard_Event.modifiers, Keyboard_Event.time)) #Weapon Slot 1 if == Keybind_Weapon_Slot1 and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: #Get Weapon in Slot 1 of Inventory TargetWeapon = Current_Loadout[0] #Check if we should try and Fast Switch the Weapon if Option_Fast_Weapon_Switch and TargetWeapon.type != "Heal" and TargetWeapon.type != "Nade": if TargetWeapon != Current_Weapon or (Building or Editing): Cancel_Anim(TargetWeapon, Keybind_FastEmote3) else: DebugPrint("Error when attempting to fast switch: Weapon Already Selected") else: #If we are in the middle of a reload then Cancel by switching to Pickaxe if Reloading: Reloading = False keyboard.send(Ingame_Weapon_Pickaxe); sleep(0.020); Switch_to_Weapon(TargetWeapon) #Weapon Slot 2 elif == Keybind_Weapon_Slot2 and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: #Get Weapon in Slot 2 of Inventory TargetWeapon = Current_Loadout[1] #Check if we should try and Fast Switch the Weapon if Option_Fast_Weapon_Switch and TargetWeapon.type != "Heal" and TargetWeapon.type != "Nade": if TargetWeapon != Current_Weapon or (Building or Editing): Cancel_Anim(TargetWeapon, Keybind_FastEmote3) else: DebugPrint("Error when attempting to fast switch: Weapon Already Selected") else: #If we are in the middle of a reload then Cancel by switching to Pickaxe if Reloading: Reloading = False keyboard.send(Ingame_Weapon_Pickaxe); sleep(0.020); Switch_to_Weapon(TargetWeapon) #Weapon Slot 3 elif == Keybind_Weapon_Slot3 and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: #Get Weapon in Slot 3 of Inventory TargetWeapon = Current_Loadout[2] #Check if we should try and Fast Switch the Weapon if Option_Fast_Weapon_Switch and TargetWeapon.type != "Heal" and TargetWeapon.type != "Nade": if TargetWeapon != Current_Weapon or (Building or Editing): Cancel_Anim(TargetWeapon, Keybind_FastEmote3) else: DebugPrint("Error when attempting to fast switch: Weapon Already Selected") else: #If we are in the middle of a reload then Cancel by switching to Pickaxe if Reloading: Reloading = False keyboard.send(Ingame_Weapon_Pickaxe); sleep(0.020); Switch_to_Weapon(TargetWeapon) #Weapon Slot 4 elif == Keybind_Weapon_Slot4 and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: #Get Weapon in Slot 4 of Inventory TargetWeapon = Current_Loadout[3] #Check if we should try and Fast Switch the Weapon if Option_Fast_Weapon_Switch and TargetWeapon.type != "Heal" and TargetWeapon.type != "Nade": if TargetWeapon != Current_Weapon or (Building or Editing): Cancel_Anim(TargetWeapon, Keybind_FastEmote3) else: DebugPrint("Error when attempting to fast switch: Weapon Already Selected") else: #If we are in the middle of a reload then Cancel by switching to Pickaxe if Reloading: Reloading = False keyboard.send(Ingame_Weapon_Pickaxe); sleep(0.020); Switch_to_Weapon(TargetWeapon) #Weapon Slot 5 elif == Keybind_Weapon_Slot5 and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: #Get Weapon in Slot one of Inventory TargetWeapon = Current_Loadout[4] #Check if we should try and Fast Switch the Weapon if Option_Fast_Weapon_Switch and TargetWeapon.type != "Heal" and TargetWeapon.type != "Nade": if TargetWeapon != Current_Weapon or (Building or Editing): Cancel_Anim(TargetWeapon, Keybind_FastEmote3) else: DebugPrint("Error when attempting to fast switch: Weapon Already Selected") else: #If we are in the middle of a reload then Cancel by switching to Pickaxe if Reloading: Reloading = False keyboard.send(Ingame_Weapon_Pickaxe); sleep(0.020); Switch_to_Weapon(TargetWeapon) #Weapon Slot Pickaxe elif == Keybind_Weapon_Pickaxe and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: #Check if we should try and Fast Switch the Weapon if Option_Fast_Weapon_Switch: if Pickaxe != Current_Weapon or (Building or Editing): Cancel_Anim(Pickaxe, Keybind_FastEmote3) else: DebugPrint("Error when attempting to fast switch: Weapon Already Selected") else: Switch_to_Weapon(Pickaxe) #Edit Keybind Handling elif == Keybind_Edit and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: #Set the Edit flag if not Editing: keyboard.send(Ingame_Keybind_Edit) DebugPrint("Detected Editing") Editing = True elif == Keybind_Edit and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "up" and Enabled: #Set the Edit flag if Editing: keyboard.send(Ingame_Keybind_Edit) DebugPrint("Finished Editing") Editing = False #Building Keybind Handling elif == Ingame_Keybind_Ramp and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: DebugPrint("Detected Building") #Set the Building flag Building = True elif == Ingame_Keybind_Platform and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: DebugPrint("Detected Building") #Set the Building flag Building = True elif == Ingame_Keybind_Roof and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: DebugPrint("Detected Building") #Set the Building flag Building = True #Cruching Keybind Handling elif == Ingame_Keybind_Crouch and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: DebugPrint("Detected Crouching") #Set the Building flag if Crouching: Crouching = False else: Crouching = True #Jumping Keybind Handling elif == Ingame_Keybind_Jump and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: DebugPrint("Detected Jumping") #Set the Jumping Global to Current Time. Jumping = time() #Set the Crouching Global to False since if jumping we are not crouching. Crouching = False #Reload Keybind Handling elif == Ingame_Keybind_Reload and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: DebugPrint("Detected Reloading") Reloading = True #Use Keybind Handling elif == Keybind_Use and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "down" and Enabled: Turbo_Use() elif == Keybind_Use and Keyboard_Event.event_type == "up" and Enabled: Using = False DebugPrint("Detected End of Use Action") #Mouse Hook Callback Function: Gets run when Mouse activity is detected. def Mouse_Input(Mouse_Event): global Editing global Building if Running: #Mouse Wheel Event. if type(Mouse_Event) == mouse._mouse_event.MoveEvent: if Debug_Movement: DebugPrint("Move_Event: x:{0}, y:{1}, Time:{2}".format(Mouse_Event.x, Mouse_Event.y, Mouse_Event.time)) #Mouse Button Event. elif type(Mouse_Event) == mouse._mouse_event.ButtonEvent: if Debug_Buttons: DebugPrint("Button_Event: Type:{0}, Button:{1}, Time:{2}".format(Mouse_Event.event_type, Mouse_Event.button, Mouse_Event.time)) #Handle MouseButton1 Down Event if Mouse_Event.event_type == "down" and Mouse_Event.button == Keybind_Fire and Enabled: #Only Handle MB1 for Weapons so if building or editing then we dont want to control it. if not Editing and not Building: Handle_MB1_Down() #Handle MouseButton2 Down Event elif Mouse_Event.event_type == "down" and Mouse_Event.button == Ingame_Keybind_Edit_Reset and Enabled: #Fast Edit Reset: if Editing and Option_Fast_Edit_Reset: #If we are editing and right click with Fast Reset enabled then exit edit mode. keyboard.send(Ingame_Keybind_Edit) DebugPrint("Finished Editing with Quick Reset") Editing = False #Handle Quick Switch Weapon elif Mouse_Event.event_type == "down" and Mouse_Event.button == Keybind_QuickShoot_Button and Enabled: Quick_Shoot(PUMP) #Handle Enable Eventv elif Mouse_Event.event_type == "down" and Mouse_Event.button == Keybind_Enable: Toggle_Enabled() #Handle Building Event elif Mouse_Event.event_type == "down" and Mouse_Event.button == Ingame_Keybind_Wall: DebugPrint("Detected Building") Building = True elif type(Mouse_Event) == mouse._mouse_event.WheelEvent: if Debug_Wheel: DebugPrint("Wheel_Event: Delta:{0}, Time:{1}".format(, Mouse_Event.time)) def Init_Weapons(): #AR #Info; #Advertised Fire Rate = 181.81ms (5.5) AR.recoil_Hip_Init = 21 AR.recoil_Hip_Init_Delay = 0.340 AR.recoil_Hip_Static = 23 AR.recoil_ADS_Init = 30 AR.recoil_ADS_Init_Delay = 0.330 AR.recoil_ADS_Static = 1 AR.jitter = 0 AR.jitter_ADS = 0 AR.update_time = 0.040 #+0.020 if Option_AR_Perfect_Aim: AR.update_time_ADS = 0.330 else: AR.update_time_ADS = 0.040 AR.firstshot = 0.0 AR.ControlFireRate = True AR.type = "AR" #SCAR SCAR.recoil_Hip_Init = 21 SCAR.recoil_Hip_Init_Delay = 0.340 SCAR.recoil_Hip_Static = 23 SCAR.recoil_ADS_Init = 30 SCAR.recoil_ADS_Init_Delay = 0.330 SCAR.recoil_ADS_Static = 1 SCAR.jitter = 0 SCAR.jitter_ADS = 0 SCAR.update_time = 0.040 SCAR.update_time_ADS = 0.330 SCAR.firstshot = 0.0 SCAR.ControlFireRate = True SCAR.type = "AR" #BURST BURST.recoil_Hip_Init = 150 BURST.recoil_Hip_Static = 100 BURST.recoil_ADS_Init = 125 BURST.recoil_ADS_Static = 70 BURST.jitter = 2 BURST.jitter_ADS = 2 BURST.update_time = 10 BURST.update_time_ADS = 10 BURST.firstshot = 0 BURST.type = "AR" #PUMP PUMP.firstshot = 0 PUMP.type = "Shotgun" #TAC TAC.firstshot = 0 TAC.type = "Shotgun" #HEAVY HEAVY.firstshot = 0 HEAVY.type = "Shotgun" #SMG SMG.recoil_Hip_Init = 4 SMG.recoil_Hip_Init_Delay = 0.160 SMG.recoil_Hip_Static = 8 SMG.recoil_ADS_Init = 5 SMG.recoil_ADS_Init_Delay = 0.160 SMG.recoil_ADS_Static = 1 SMG.jitter = 10 SMG.jitter_ADS = 2 SMG.update_time = 0.010 SMG.update_time_ADS = 0.010 SMG.firstshot = 0.0 SMG.ControlFireRate = False SMG.type = "SMG" #SILENCEDSMG S_SMG.recoil_Hip_Init = 150 S_SMG.recoil_Hip_Static = 100 S_SMG.recoil_ADS_Init = 125 S_SMG.recoil_ADS_Static = 70 S_SMG.jitter = 2 S_SMG.jitter_ADS = 2 S_SMG.update_time = 10 S_SMG.update_time_ADS = 10 S_SMG.firstshot = 0 S_SMG.type = "SMG" #TOMMYGUN TOMMYGUN.recoil_Hip_Init = 150 TOMMYGUN.recoil_Hip_Static = 100 TOMMYGUN.recoil_ADS_Init = 125 TOMMYGUN.recoil_ADS_Static = 70 TOMMYGUN.jitter = 2 TOMMYGUN.jitter_ADS = 2 TOMMYGUN.update_time = 10 TOMMYGUN.update_time_ADS = 10 TOMMYGUN.firstshot = 0 TOMMYGUN.type = "SMG" #P90 P90.recoil_Hip_Init = 150 P90.recoil_Hip_Static = 100 P90.recoil_ADS_Init = 125 P90.recoil_ADS_Static = 70 P90.jitter = 2 P90.jitter_ADS = 2 P90.update_time = 10 P90.update_time_ADS = 10 P90.firstshot = 0 P90.type = "SMG" #Hunting Rifle HR.firstshot = 0 HR.type = "Sniper" #Bolt Rifle BOLT.firstshot = 0 BOLT.type = "Sniper" #Scoped AR SAR.firstshot = 0 SAR.type = "Sniper" #Rockets ROCKET.firstshot = 0 ROCKET.type = "Splode" #Grenades NADES.firstshot = 0 NADES.type = "Nade" #Healing HEAL.type = "Heal" #Detect if we are being run if __name__ == '__main__': DebugPrint('Starting FortBolt\n') DebugPrint('Initalizing Globals\n') Running = True Enabled = False JitterFlop = False Editing = False Building = False Crouching = False Reloading = False Using = False Jumping = 0.0 Init_Weapons() Current_Weapon = Pickaxe Current_Loadout = [AR, PUMP, SMG, HR, HEAL] try: main() exit except ValueError: print("Error: Could not Run Script") try this if you got the couldnt find module error pip install pypiwin32 pip install mouse pip install keyboard pip install weapon [/hide] i dont own this script 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iSentryMBA 4 Thanks for sharing but how's this work for Fortnite PC ? Epicgames anticheat wont detect this script ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xoly 4 ooo bro thank you ill test this idk if its still UD Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pollaboba 0 Dont work for me "SyntaxError" everywhere Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ar6s 7 Dont work for me "SyntaxError" everywhere for the first syntax error does it look like this ? File "C:\Users\XD\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\", line 3 print('This is suroegin's package - weapon') ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax if yes do this go to C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages open and change : print('This is suroegin's package - weapon') to print('This is suroegins package - weapon') just delete the ' from suroegin's Is it still FUD? Yes it is Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Modern 15 An "undetected' python script made by kwskii Features: - Per Weapon Recoil Reduction - Per Weapon Anti Bloom - Per Weapon Fire Rate Control and Autofire - Fast Weapon Switching using Animation Canceling - Quick Shoot Hotkey using Animation Canceling - Turbo use Option to Autofire Use when the button is held down - AR Perfect Aim 100% First Shot Accuracy - Fast Edit Reset to automaticly stop editing upon rightclick i dont own this script how do i use this? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seph 33 An "undetected' python script made by kwskii Features: - Per Weapon Recoil Reduction - Per Weapon Anti Bloom - Per Weapon Fire Rate Control and Autofire - Fast Weapon Switching using Animation Canceling - Quick Shoot Hotkey using Animation Canceling - Turbo use Option to Autofire Use when the button is held down - AR Perfect Aim 100% First Shot Accuracy - Fast Edit Reset to automaticly stop editing upon rightclick i dont own this script Have you tested it yourself? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pollaboba 0 Dont work for me "SyntaxError" everywhere for the first syntax error does it look like this ? File "C:\Users\XD\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\", line 3 print('This is suroegin's package - weapon') ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax if yes do this go to C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages open and change : print('This is suroegin's package - weapon') to print('This is suroegins package - weapon') just delete the ' from suroegin's Is it still FUD? Yes it is doesnt work 4 me File "", line 66 Quick_Shoot_Default_Weapon = PUMP ^ IndentationError: expected an indented block Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elbabo 1 Does the bug is fixed ? And how can i use this without getting my ip banned ??? Help Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Infamous Bully 2 An "undetected' python script made by kwskii Features: - Per Weapon Recoil Reduction - Per Weapon Anti Bloom - Per Weapon Fire Rate Control and Autofire - Fast Weapon Switching using Animation Canceling - Quick Shoot Hotkey using Animation Canceling - Turbo use Option to Autofire Use when the button is held down - AR Perfect Aim 100% First Shot Accuracy - Fast Edit Reset to automaticly stop editing upon rightclick i dont own this script Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meadow17 0 An "undetected' python script made by kwskii Features: - Per Weapon Recoil Reduction - Per Weapon Anti Bloom - Per Weapon Fire Rate Control and Autofire - Fast Weapon Switching using Animation Canceling - Quick Shoot Hotkey using Animation Canceling - Turbo use Option to Autofire Use when the button is held down - AR Perfect Aim 100% First Shot Accuracy - Fast Edit Reset to automaticly stop editing upon rightclick i dont own this script Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toepas 1 An "undetected' python script made by kwskii Features: - Per Weapon Recoil Reduction - Per Weapon Anti Bloom - Per Weapon Fire Rate Control and Autofire - Fast Weapon Switching using Animation Canceling - Quick Shoot Hotkey using Animation Canceling - Turbo use Option to Autofire Use when the button is held down - AR Perfect Aim 100% First Shot Accuracy - Fast Edit Reset to automaticly stop editing upon rightclick i dont own this script Thnx man, finally a good hack An "undetected' python script made by kwskii Features: - Per Weapon Recoil Reduction - Per Weapon Anti Bloom - Per Weapon Fire Rate Control and Autofire - Fast Weapon Switching using Animation Canceling - Quick Shoot Hotkey using Animation Canceling - Turbo use Option to Autofire Use when the button is held down - AR Perfect Aim 100% First Shot Accuracy - Fast Edit Reset to automaticly stop editing upon rightclick i dont own this script Thnx man, this is what i need Thnx mate, i hope its good :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BoliBerrys 2 Wasnt this patched? Im maybe mistaken Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites