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1. Pre-engagement interactions: This step defines all the pre-engagement activities and scope definitions, basically everything you need to discuss with the client before the testing starts.

2. Intelligence gathering: This phase is all about collecting information about the target under test, by connecting to the target directly or passively, without connecting to the target at all.

3. Threat modeling: This phase involves matching the information uncovered to the assets to find the areas with the highest threat level.

4. Vulnerability analysis: This involves finding and identifying known and unknown vulnerabilities and validating them.

5. Exploitation: This phase works on taking advantage of the vulnerabilities discovered in the previous phase. This typically means that we are trying to gain access to the target.

6. Post-exploitation: The actual tasks to perform at the target, which involve downloading a file, shutting a system down, creating a new user account on the target, and so on, are parts of this phase. This phase describes what you need to do after exploitation.

7. Reporting: This phase includes summing up the results of the test in a file and the possible suggestions and recommendations to fix the current weaknesses in the target.


And much more as its getting updated every month or 2 weeks 




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