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#NoScammerInTrusted @Sycoh#2824

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Hi, first a wall I'm really fucking shocked what's going on. 




3. 200$ 1000 subs deal, 4k 800$ total in 4 days must be.

4.,, and video: 

5. It's not impersonator, it's not a fake shit, it's the real fucking scammer in the fucking TRUSTED role in the Eclipse discord and @Cthulhu vouched for the guy. @ЛеДуцк also ordered without any delivery, but his amount was small and he just decides to wait. I'm not. I need it right now as the deal was money-subs-right-now. @chrisFTP please fix this fucking bullshit and remove scammers from roles. I have also people that were saying he scammed with another acc and another wallet, pretending it wasn't him.


UPD: He is already banned from the Discord channel, but might be unbanned later I guess, if he will ever respond, refund or provide what I've paid for.

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I been waiting 4 weeks mostly cuz he was on vacation, he didnt deliver the 37 subs i ordered yet. he said few days back he had a issue with his bot that would be solved that day but no respond or info back.

asked cthulhu if he would vouch/trust this user he claimt it was so.

but seeing this scam report makes me doubt and kinda worried was hoping to have found a good seller.

really hope this turns out to be a misunderstanding

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this guy has been banned for scamming on other websites using a another alias (selling the same shit)

smh scammers never change lol

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this guy has been banned for scamming on other websites using a another alias (selling the same shit)

smh scammers never change lol


And the best thing is that eclipse people had it as a trustable eclipse range


Awesome  :fuck:

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That's why I had my own service... and has always been skeptic on who I purchase from.

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