FireZilla 4 Scammers Profile Link: [if Applicable] Sales Thread: Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 15$ Screenshots of Communication: , , , Additional Information: OP , said that his botnet spot for lifetime would have "unlimited" booting time except it din't thook him more then a week to set it up in the first place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parenzzy 29 Took me 2 hours to set up and it's a bug where ur booting time got set back because of the source I'm using, I did set ur boo time but u forgot ur login credentials more than 4 times So yh guess I'm a scammer then xD And plus u have -10 rep and I never scammed u ur just angry because u want ur money back because u have realised that spending ur last $15 u had on a botnet now ur but hurt Lol.... -10 rep and ur calling Me a scammer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireZilla 4 i see i forget stuff now :kappa: ? nice argument there mate , while the username and password is in the discord chat :??: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parenzzy 29 I gave u login and password 4 times mate and u just blocked me on discord cause u know I'm right, good luck trying to get me banned I guess, I never scammed u. Who they gonna believe. Me or u I have 44 reps u have -16 I have 2 vouchers u have 0 I have 70+ likes u have 6 Get a life Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireZilla 4 I'll be the adult here , if you want to be the little kid go ahead, i'll wait for admins to respond. i paid for Unlimited boottime as promised. You never deliverd it has been over a month now. so i have all the more reason to open this. its not buthurt and obv not my last 15$ :??: its just your retarded fault. also what are you a scrub ? 18 infections :kappa: :??: Rep doesent matter but okay , do what you want ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parenzzy 29 And yes I said I'd give refund but didn't have to because I gave u the new login stuff, u k ow, after every time u forgot ur password I ain't a scrub just couldn't get anything done because I have exams and all I get is messages from u ? but anyway sure, get me banned Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jocker 270 Why doesn't he have unlimited boot time as you claim now though? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parenzzy 29 Because I gave him unlimited boot time 3 times before on his other logins he now is on the 4th login I have him unlimited boot time but it must have bugged but tbh he should remember his shit then this wouldn't have happened 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jocker 270 Because I gave him unlimited boot time 3 times before on his other logins he now is on the 4th login I have him unlimited boot time but it must have bugged but tbh he should remember his shit then this wouldn't have happened Well, stuff like that happens but you're still responsible to give him unlimited boot time and @FireZilla not to forget his details again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parenzzy 29 Well I've made multiple logins for him maybe he should remember his login dets instead of asking for a new one everytime he goes to use the net :fiesta: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireZilla 4 @parenzzy can you proof that . i can proof that i only gave you one login. i only gave you a second one , when you asked for it. @Jocker , you can friend proof of OP lying in screenshots above. what kind of shady buisnessman are you @Parenzzy Can't even miss 15$ :') i think you are getting assburned if you lose 15$ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parenzzy 29 Lol ur missing some screenshots where u asked me what ur login is Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jocker 270 You have 24 hours to fix it and give him back unlimited boot time. @Parenzzy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parenzzy 29 Nets gone now so literally impossible, he had many accounts with unlimited boot time and he forgot the logins, how do I know he ain't giving them to other people and asking for a new one anyway. So do whatever u want lol at least I've actually contributed to this community unlike him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites