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Google Chrome 1Day Exploit Remote Code Execution

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Chrome Version: 73.0.3683.86

OS: Windows 10 x64


Vulnerability allows you to remotely execute arbitrary code on the attacked system.

On Thursday, April 4, Exodus Intelligence security researcher István Kurucsai published a PoC-exploit. Alongside a demo video for an unpatched vulnerability in Google Chrome. The vulnerability allows an attacker to remotely execute arbitrary code on the victim’s system. The problem has already been fixed in V8 (JavaScript browser engine). Although, the patch has not yet been added to Chrome 73, used on more than 1 billion devices.

The reason why the researcher decided to publish the PoC-exploit before fixing the vulnerability is the desire to demonstrate flaws. According to Koruchaya, while Google is working on patches, attackers manage to create exploits and attack users.

Delayed patches are related to Chrome’s supply chain, which involves importing and testing codes from various sources. In the case of a vulnerability in the V8 engine, the fix was ready on March 18. However, after which it became available in the project change log and the V8 source code. Therefore, the patch itself has not yet been added to the patch.

Currently, the update goes through all the assembly steps, including integration with the Chromium project. Lastly, integration with the Chrome codebase, testing in Chrome Canary and Chrome Beta. That being said, only after that the patch will be added to the stable version of the browser. As a result, attackers have a “window” from several days to several weeks, when the details about the vulnerability are already known, but the stable version of Chrome has not yet received the update.

The PoC-exploit published by the researcher in its current form is relatively harmless. Koruchay did not specifically add to it the ability to bypass the sandbox, which is necessary for executing the code. However, attackers can use it together with the old sandbox bypass vulnerabilities and execute code on the attacked system.


PoC Video:




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