xZeLLenZe 7 These are invitations to create an account on floodcrm.net. Once signed up, you must load funds, any amount, into your account before you can use it as it uses premium features. (Pretty cheap.) Flood prices: 700 1.50$ 1000-2999 1.90$ 3000-4999 1.40$ 5000-6999 1.00$ 7000-9999 0.90$ 10000-14999 0.80$ 15000-∞ 0.70$ You can also earn $ in your balance to use when your referrals or their referrals, and so on, load $ into theirs. [hide] http://floodcrm.net/user/registration.html?code=ca4d118d628e968bf77a41ddf0ced3b7 http://floodcrm.net/user/registration.html?code=328c502228b6f9eb951973c50e9c7488 http://floodcrm.net/user/registration.html?code=1266ae7346af42666beeb480c166e7be [/hide] P.S. I'm a new member, so please show appreciation if/when using my leaks/giveaways. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites