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What advice would you give to somebody if he’s searching for his life partner?

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Well, i'd obviously tell him/her to not chase too hard to anybody because they usually do not last long.

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:pupper:Don't take it too fast, remember when looking for someone that you are going to spend the rest of your life with, you want to be able to care for them during the good times and bad, Sounds cringy (yes i know) But thats what i'd do if i were looking for someone to live with.  :pupper:

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Not happening. You are not stating your own views on your threads so it feels like an interrogation.

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Get to know the person at least a little before you make it a serious relationship. My own experience is that you will get surprised over certain personality traits that are just ridiculous.


One of my ex's has a weird way to act when she loses something like a comb lol, she gets into a search freenzy and even looks repeatedly in the fridge even though she knows it's not possible for it to be there (I hope). Some people just lack... IQ.

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Dont search. The person will eventually appear

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Don't be pressed over finding such partner, live your life. If you run into someone gladly build with them, do not look for the perfect someone there is no such thing.

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Make sure they know how to crack

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I, personally, think you should really observe whomever you end up dating. Figure out if they can be honest and upfront. Figure out if they're actually comfortable with who they are. If they're not figure out if you can work with that. Nobody is perfect, but fuck if I'll be stuck with a person who can't be real for a grand duration of my life.

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Let the life partner approach him instead.

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Gunna have to go with what a lot of people are saying.

I personally believe if you focus on yourself, "The one" will eventually come.

I spent years trying to find women, learning pickup lines - dating techniques, the works. But when I finally stopped chasing relationships that would fair after 2-3 months and started working on myself, the one just came to me. I hit the gym, started eating a bit better, started some hobbies. I didnt get like "Swol" hell I don't think my body changed much at all, but I had priorities. Through focusing on myself and making myself into a better person, I found the one simply by her approaching me. I sorta stumbled into the relationship and the rest is history.

Id say this is anecdotal but a couple of my friends have done the exact same thing and now they're married so idk.


TL:DR - Make sure you are your best self and focus on making you great, she'll eventually come to you.

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