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Coming back to my origins ? Y/N

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So, hello community. Im member of this forum for like 10 months now. I have been active on this forum before and I mainly used it for marketplace  past couple of months. Should I return to cracking cause I was mainly  SE'eing laptops and stuff past 3 months and that got me some sweet $$$ amount.


I have feeling I should give cracking another chance and do something useful for this community.


Post ur opinions down below!





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I personally don't crack because it feels like a waste of my time and I could do other stuff, if you liked cracking or just want to give it another chance then sure go ahead. You don't have anything to lose.

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Well the question is do YOU want to return ?  :smart:

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I personally don't crack because it feels like a waste of my time and I could do other stuff, if you liked cracking or just want to give it another chance then sure go ahead. You don't have anything to lose.


Thats the way I personally think aswell and thats the reason I was mainly SE'eing stuff last couple of months. And I really want to give something back to this community

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