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❗ Just by using 1 Gmail account, you are able to create unique emails

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This might be a known method to most but for those of you who don't know, this might really be precious as some websites might be a pain in the ass


1. Say your Gmail is:, adding a +1 to it makes it a new email and it directs back to the same mailbox:

2. Say you are just lazy and you don't want to add a +1 behind: You can also do -> [remove the dot in between G and oo]

3. This should allow you to create tons of email and profit, like and comment if you have any questions!


I'm new to this forum, I'll try my best to contribute as much as I could!


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I think I know it

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known method?

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i wish is working really

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This might be a known method to most but for those of you who don't know, this might really be precious as some websites might be a pain in the ass



hope this method wroks would be awesome though

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is it the peeriodde methode?

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