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A option to check for cashlinks

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[align=center]I see the issue of allot of cashlinks allot of adlinks reposts

just overal dead links.

maybe a good plan to add a rank for people to first approve the combolists etc.

so a team first has to check the link and approve it before it will be public.

rn i spend my times allot reporting adlinks but what if that can be avoided 

by people that are in that rank its kinda like disinfectors they aprove the software before everyone clicks on it and makes use for it.


its just a idea nothing more nothing less. and its just so the forum stays great.



examples of what that group/rank has to do:

check for cashlink/adlink

check for possible spam thread

could be a simple invisible rank 


BUT I HOPE this issue will be solved once more mods are in and the mods stand a FAIR chance handling all the reports


LMK what you think or if you have any addons to this[/align]

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+1 i like this idea but not for checking if pubic or not ... since that gonna ruin everything and it gonna take time for the combo to be posted also it gonna ruin the quality of combo :/


+ i just realized thats the mods job if this is implimented then there will be no need for staff

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I think as more mods are added not really needed

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I am not supporting this idea. Having to approve combolists would take forever. The number of threads posted on combolists is WAY WAY more than the one on cracking tools. Just keep reporting and our Mods will solve them, that's all to be done right now as we do not need yet another rank.

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I am not supporting this idea. Having to approve combolists would take forever. The number of threads posted on combolists is WAY WAY more than the one on cracking tools. Just keep reporting and our Mods will solve them, that's all to be done right now as we do not need yet another rank.


i agree on the fact that not yet another rank is needed, but i feel mods now a days are too busy with reports, because there are so many everyday. but i also think that will decrease once tmods will be assigned but this could also be a plan c or d as a option.

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just code a plugin for autoban cashlink or short url selected.


Problem solved


It's not hard to do at all

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