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New update


Added 313 new database dumps. (Mixed USA/DE)


51 User:Pass:PhoneNo databases without hash

31 User:Pass:PhoneNo hashed databases

166 User:Pass hashed databases

65 User:Pass databases without hash


~10kk total lines


This newest update is really good for spammers and people that needed lines that included usernames in general.

Make sure to purchase your spot on Secluded while you can. Spots are limited.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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Probably the best provider out there atm. I tried several services that claim to sell private dumps but they're FAR from private (actually about 0%)

Secluded on the other hand is selling 100% private bases, they are all hand-picked and untouched.


+++ 10/10

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RIP Infinity i guess. Might buy shortly.

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RIP Infinity i guess. Might buy shortly.


Glad to hear that, we're hoping to see you soon on our customer's list.

Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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First person to like your post :)


Do you plan on giving discounts?

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First person to like your post :)


Do you plan on giving discounts?


Maybe on Valentines day ;) but it shouldn't be more than 10-15%

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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New update


Added 85 new database dumps. (UK/DE)


42 Email:Pass hashed databases

18 Email:Pass databases without hash

11 User:Pass hashed databases

8 User:Pass databases without hash

2 User:Pass:PhoneNo hashed databases

4 User:Pass:PhoneNo databases without hash


~1.9kk total lines.


Make sure to purchase your spot on Secluded while you can. Spots are limited.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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Hello !

Can you please provide for example which database is there ?

Do you provide a test ?

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Hello !

Can you please provide for example which database is there ?

Do you provide a test ?


Please contact me via Discord, Skype or Telegram and I will send you few names of databases we have.

We don't provide tests.


Contact info:

Discord - Denny#5311

Skype -

Telegram - @D3nny1337

Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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I knew bliss from before, he introduced me to their service, I had my doubts at first but after going through the databases ( that's what you are getting) and spending some time actually categorizing stuff, I reached the conclusion that what they're doing is invaluable. They are sharing small/big bases that are specific to their methods and if u work hard enough on them, it will be worth a loooot more than what u paid for.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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New update


Added 144 new database dumps. (DE mainly)


75 Email:Pass hashed databases

41 Email:Pass databases without hash

15 User:Pass hashed databases

6 User:Pass databases without hash

6 User:Pass:PhoneNo hashed databases

1 User:Pass:PhoneNo databases without hash


~1.8kk lines in total.


Make sure to purchase your spot on Secluded while you can. Spots are limited.

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Bump. Buy your access to the only quality dump service on Cracked.

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