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Best website to learn coding online ?

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I am certain I have mentioned this again on cracked but for Python I definitely recommend Automate the Boring Stuff with Python (, it teaches you the basics of Python and what you need to know then to learn further you just have to experiment yourself. Find a project that you would like to work on and start researching it!

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I find the SoloLearn apps very easy and fun to learn code, you should definitely give it a shot. 



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Forgot to mention that if anyone has problems with Python feel free to PM me.

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Forgot to mention that if anyone has problems with Python feel free to PM me.


what are some projects you did with python?

i am interested in learning another programming language i can code in C and at the moment i am learning c++ and assembly in school and i want another one.

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Forgot to mention that if anyone has problems with Python feel free to PM me.


what are some projects you did with python?

i am interested in learning another programming language i can code in C and at the moment i am learning c++ and assembly in school and i want another one.


> Using APIs such as the Reddit one (PRAW) and the Discord one (Discord Py Rewrite).

> Web Crawler. (Get all links, images from a website.)

> Playing games by itself. (Cookie clicker, or BiteFight or any HTML game.)

> Morse Translator.

> Instagram Downloader. (Get all the information about someone on Instagram.)

> A bot that draws images on Paint.

> A text-to-speech translator.

and other random stuff.

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