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in my country paypal is banned. but I need to use paypal payment for a vip support. how can I pay? any suggestion

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Just Use a VPN to Use PayPal.

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bitcoin & etherum, alts coints are fine, these are the most people use right now.

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Guest Skryptec

If the vendor accepts cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and Ethereum, you can simply use that to pay and it will be a lot easier. is a pretty good wallet I personally use along with Bitpay but yeah, if you really need to pay with PayPal, I'd suggest getting a private VPN or proxy and use that to create a new PayPal account and keep signing in with the same proxy.


If you need documents for verification, you can always buy a few from Secondeye Solutions. They are like $30 each document, but they are high quality so worth it!

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Have you tried Payonner??

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If you really need to pay with paypal like the above suggestion use VPN

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