
$20 Bustadice Script | $100+/h Potential | VIDEO PROOF

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This script is highkey scary, must be closely monitored or it can quickly zero out but it steadily will make (and recover) profit. It is NOT FOR AFKING OR IDLING - you must watch this script.

You need to invest at least $20 for a good chance of making profit, successful use has varied per person but the best results people report are from putting $50 in and withdrawing profits each time it hits $20-50


I've been selling this on another forum for a bit under a week with some great results for customers included below!







I began with $20 USD, which is approx. 4,000 bits, and ended up profiting just over 11,000 bits (or ~$55) in less than a hour. 

$20 is presumably the minimum you should start with. It's more of a 50/50. 


It presumably can make you much more money and has a less of a chance of zeroing out if you start with $100-200. (Don't mark my words, I haven't tried this as of yet) 

So now that you've seen the profit and withdrawals, let me give you a brief understanding of what it does. 

It essentially takes your bits and starts to add them and multiply them sporadically. It eventually catches a red train of where it's trying to hit 

a higher multiplier in order to make more of a significant gain. So the worst part essentially is, watching your money dropping like a rock in hopes of it 

multiplying to exceed your last max profit. 


I'm letting you know now, that it is a MUST that you pay attention to the $cript because it can drop too quickly and may never multiply back up in profit again. 

Don't be surprised when it starts going down exponentially, it has to do that for it to make a large profit, but sometimes it never stops. Be aware.



I'm going to be selling this $cript for $20 BTC/ETH. 


(It’s going to wait for one confirmation before sending an email)


This script does NOT guarantee profit, as with any gambling there is a chance of losing money - I am not responsible for any losses. No refunds under any circumstances, no sharing of the script.



bro whats your discord  before i buy i just want to ask some stuffs or add me if you can davejone1#4389

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bro whats your discord  before i buy i just want to ask some stuffs or add me if you can davejone1#4389


added, thanks



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Hey, I just buy your script and made the 20$ back in an hour .

But I got couples questions firts, can you please add me discord : Evys#8609 ?

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