lolkraccount 0 Maybe you are trying to play Korean LOL, but there is no game account available. Don't worry, we will solve this problem for you! Lv30 Champion Account ● 1+champions S8Unranked S9Unranked = Price 8USD ● 30+champions S8Unranked S9Unranked = Price 12USD ● 80+champions S8Unranked S9Unranked = Price 25USD Lv30 Champion Account ● 20+champions S8Platinum S9Unranked = Price 40USD ● 20+champions S8Diamond S9Unranked = Price 100USD Lv30 High rank Account ● 100+champions 70+Skins = Price 35USD ● 100+champions 100+Skins = Price 50USD About Lv30 Accouont: - Verified email, unable to change and use mailbox - If the account is forbidden/locked, it cannot be released. - You need to log in at least once within 25 days, otherwise it will be banned by official staff. - Password can be changed without email - If you forget the game password, you can't retrieve it. - Cannot be recharge - Enter the game to delete all game friends, exit the team - No any after-sale service for verified account - You should take this if you plan to play Korean LOL for a short time and don’t want to waste your time at leveling NEW ACCOUNT LV0 ● Customize Account ID/PW/NAME/EMAIL = Price 8USD ABOU NEW ACCOUNT: - Cannot change to another mailbox - If the account is forbidden/locked, it cannot be released. - You need to log in at least once within 25 days, otherwise it will be banned by official staff. - This account is a fresh new account, it could be re-activation if got suspended by KR LOL - You can modify the password of the game account - If you forget the game password, you retrieve it. - We will give you a new account as compensation if the account is banned within 30 days. It's guaranteed. - We can meet individual requirements and only take ten minutes. - Please contact us to purchase an account by the following methods SKYPE:live:taowaifu_1 WECHAT:taowaifu Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites