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⭐ +$100 A DAY W/ INSTAGRAM | LEGAL | EASY ✅⭐[2019]

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Here's a step-by-step guide on making at least $100/day reselling services with Instagram.


Good luck! 


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1. Sign up for an account on Ficaz. It's a reseller panel for likes, followers, comments, shares, views, etc. They're going to verify your account instantly.


2. Go to the 'services' tab and check out the services you can offer. There are like +800 services you can offer. Possibilities are endless.

3. Create an Instagram account and post about +15 photos/videos that'll make your account look like a legit social media marketing agency.


4. Add a small catalogue in your bio (create this with Google Docs) where you offer the same services from Ficaz for at least 3,000% profit. You can charge whatever you want. 


5. Add thousands of followers, likes and random comments to your posts by using services from Ficaz. This shouldn't cost you more than $2. 


6. Get an Instagram bot (there are hundreds of these, choose one) and set it to auto-like, auto-follow, auto-comment and auto-DM insecure teenagers that are interested in memes, sexy girls, GOT, etc. 


7. You're going to catch their attention with your boosted account and they'll message you asking for prices on likes, followers and more.


8. Once you get a sale, head to Ficaz and buy the service (with the cheapest price) for your customer.


PS: Buying likes, views, comments, subscribers, etc is extremely addicting, so once you get a client he'll be a client for life. 



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joji <3 <3 <3 <3


<3  :hype: miller 4ever

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