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Enlist New Forum Rules

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Update Forum Rules That asking For Reputation Can Lead to a Permanent Ban so that everyone on this forum can know & its important for newcomers to know this rule. So include this rule otherwise they have to Experience My Kind Of Situation. 


So Kind Request To Admin To Include this Rule In Forum rules by making a new thread in Forum Rules. @Jocker@floraiN please do this.

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Update Forum Rules That asking For Reputation Can Lead to a Permanent Ban so that everyone on this forum can know & its important for newcomers to know this rule. So include this rule otherwise they have to Experience My Kind Of Situation. 


So Kind Request To Admin To Include this Rule In Forum rules by making a new thread in Forum Rules. @Jocker@floraiN please do this.

I think it's already in the rules

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Update Forum Rules That asking For Reputation Can Lead to a Permanent Ban so that everyone on this forum can know & its important for newcomers to know this rule. So include this rule otherwise they have to Experience My Kind Of Situation. 


So Kind Request To Admin To Include this Rule In Forum rules by making a new thread in Forum Rules. @Jocker@floraiN please do this.

I think it's already in the rules


Where is this Find & Give me the link. I dont think anywhere it is said that Permanent Ban For asking Reputation. Only asking for Reputation is not allowed must have said but thats not clear.

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Irony, lmao

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The rules already have it.

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