AplexTM 4 #!/bin/bash # Counting the number of lines in a list of files # function version # function storing list of all files in variable files get_files () { files="`ls *.[ch]`" } # function counting the number of lines in a file count_lines () { f=$1 # 1st argument is filename l=`wc -l $f | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*$/\1/'` # number of lines } # the script should be called without arguments if [ $# -ge 1 ] then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 fi # split by newline IFS=$'\012' echo "$0 counts the lines of code" # don't forget to initialise! l=0 n=0 s=0 # call a function to get a list of files get_files # iterate over this list for f in $files do # call a function to count the lines count_lines $f echo "$f: $l"loc # store filename in an array file[$n]=$f # store number of lines in an array lines[$n]=$l # increase counter n=$[ $n + 1 ] # increase sum of all lines s=$[ $s + $l ] done echo "$n files in total, with $s lines in total" i=5 echo "The $i-th file was ${file[$i]} with ${lines[$i]} lines" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites