TheShred 82 For some reason SIB 7.5 wont let me add shells just refreshes the page tried adding them using this method 1. After you recieve a links , need to add a key ?key=sdfadsgh4513sdGG435341FDGWWDFGDFHDFGDSFGDFSGDFG(replace .php on .php?key=sdfadsgh4513sdGG435341FDGWWDFGDFHDFGDSFGDFSGDFG). 2. Connect to your server with sib panel via SSH and go to "webroot" dir. 3. Clean blackshell.txt , it need to be blank. 4. In goodshelllist.txt and shelllist.txt you need to paste your modified links in this format "". 5. To ensure that the panel does not rewrite the list's of good shells(because it do it wrong), you need to execute follow commands: "chattr +i /pathToSIB/goodshelllist.txt", "chattr +i /pathToSIB/blackshell.txt". If you need to Add new shells in future or modify, it files , you need to do reverse command "chattr -i". But it hasnt worked any help is appreciated or if someone can look at my SIb and help me find out whats causing the problem! :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whizz 2 add me on discord i can help you for me it worked Discord: Whizz#6499 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites