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I need some help understanding hashes

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I am new to dehashing and SQLi, and this is my second collection of links that I'm scrolling through to try and find combos. I ended up finding this forum that has about 80k hashed combos and I'm wanting to dehash them, but whenever I ran them through hashcat (yes I have wordlists, about 100gb of them or so), I would just get extremely long passwords that almost looked like hashes themselves. In the same table that has the email and password column, there's also a salt column. Is there something I'm not understanding about hashes and salts? I double checked that the hash was md5 and it was.


Here's a few examples:


[email protected]:a4619ad70ca16e817bee0f6e29248024

[email protected]:9af25bd1cbbb702628c3f45b9df942bf

[email protected]:22ee4cadd1774e31558a24ac1eb78579

[email protected]:fdcf4cf7389958d39b3ec6e481dd101e

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