zinoddine 3 [align=center]Hello everyone welcome to my guide and today I will be covering how to get yourself a free Netflix gift card. [/align] Leave a LIKE First :fiesta: [hide] :fiesta: Hello everyone welcome to my guide and today I will be covering how to get yourself a free Netflix gift card. :fiesta: -Free tools :smart: -No need of HQ proxy :smart: -All of the required tools are posted down below :ezy: So let's get started. Hello so you want to crack netflix giftcard? well let me get some stuff clear 1) You will need to be patience 2) You can use your Own pc or Rdps 3) HQ proxy is not compulsory but you can use it for good cpm. TOOLS YOU WILL NEED: Proxy scrapers: https://mega.nz/#!KkcygQIb!vP6E6g-5Gt0aydVdlbqOEJncldbHo67fUSfzzs-OOS8 Proxy checkers : https://mega.nz/#!dW5WmCwZ!GBR9jRG25x-LYITQnH-xVaVx9PrL_pvtP7BEU93M0vI RapeFlix : Shared Above So after you have downloaded those tools you need to search for working proxy you can use proxy scraper by Kidux (only Http) Or you can use sites which gives free proxy. After you have got the proxy you will need to check if they are working or not in this case I would suggest you using proxy checker by X-Slayer v0.2. Just open the .exe file and enter this link in the top box : https://www.netflix.com/redeem after you have done that leave the checker for a while you will need at least 6-10 good proxy Now after that is done then open RapeFlix for me the latest version right now is 1.4 after you have opened it will say you to select config file (MAKE SURE THAT PROXY TYPE IS SET TO HTTP OR IT WONT WORK) and then select the proxy file then it will give you 2 options one is Checking and another is brute force (If you don't know what brute force means then it will generate code itself and check it) Then it should start checking codes I get around 2-10 Cpm which I think is decent since I am using free proxy IKit's totally shit :pepe: but when you have enough cash then you can buy proxy from rsocks their proxy are really good :fiesta: . [/hide] Leave a LIKE if you enjoy my work! :pepegun: :pepe: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xdevilchild 1 Very coolio if it works, vouch for releasing Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theodorekaczynskii 3 thank's a lot for sharing Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mahdouchrey 1 lets see this ! thanks bro for sharingg Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HPlayz 1 Some likes no reports well lets see if it actuly workes i guess xD (I rly need it) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bola 3 thanks so much lets try great thanks for your hardwork Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites