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The question can sound a little stupid... but i don´t know in what part of ebay i must to sell the accounts (for example, i don´t know if I must to put the accounts in the departhment of Music, or art, i don´t know lol).


I watched that the people win money in Ebay selling cracked spotify accounts (i will put here the links)

If someone can answer my question (and some tips to xD) i will give all my fucking love and likes... And another question, do you recommend sell in Ebay?


Really i need the money (no i am not a jew, but when you are in bad situation... some times you need it)


Thanks everyone that can answer me...

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Accounts would be miscellaneous(?) I do not know to be honest. But if I am correct selling Spotify Accounts would be against eBay's Terms of Service so you upgrading people would be a better thing to do for like $3.

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cuentas serían varias (?) No sé para ser honesto. Pero si estoy en lo correcto, vender cuentas de Spotify estaría en contra de los Términos de servicio de eBay, por lo que actualizar a las personas sería algo mejor que hacer por $ 3.


ok thanks for your answer :fiesta:

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