Overside 244 Features: -Support all kinds of proxies. -The error will be Overwritten. -Ability To change the timeout. -Ability to change the number of threads. -Parse names of games/addons in a readable form. -Checks the presence of confirmed mail, the presence of a secret question (SQ), the presence of a subscription (Prem). -Maximum Number of threads: 450 -Works Fast: ~ 5000 accounts per minute (SOCKS4, 450 threads). Text files: -TFA. txt (Accounts with two-factor authorization in the form of mail:pass) -Accounts without games. txt (mail:pass) -Accounts with games. txt (see example log) -Accounts with a subscription. txt (same as in a file with games, but in a separate file) -Not valid.txt (mail:pass) [hide]https://anonfile.com/H3Y51bV8md/Origin_-_Brute_Checker_Translated_rar[/hide] https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/ZWFmMWE2ZGViYTFlMjk3MjVhNDQzZGRkOWMxZmVjZmE6MTU1Mzg2ODg5MA==/detection Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadow60 4 Obrigado amigo eu estava precisando de um verificador bom desses haha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rarted 0 Thank yoooooooooooooooooooooooooo liked. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hans_Frank 5 amazing apport! thanks for sharing 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cayehayuhe 0 Features: -Support all kinds of proxies. -The error will be Overwritten. -Ability To change the timeout. -Ability to change the number of threads. -Parse names of games/addons in a readable form. -Checks the presence of confirmed mail, the presence of a secret question (SQ), the presence of a subscription (Prem). -Maximum Number of threads: 450 -Works Fast: ~ 5000 accounts per minute (SOCKS4, 450 threads). Text files: -TFA. txt (Accounts with two-factor authorization in the form of mail:pass) -Accounts without games. txt (mail:pass) -Accounts with games. txt (see example log) -Accounts with a subscription. txt (same as in a file with games, but in a separate file) -Not valid.txt (mail:pass) https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/ZWFmMWE2ZGViYTFlMjk3MjVhNDQzZGRkOWMxZmVjZmE6MTU1Mzg2ODg5MA==/detection Good Shit my man Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fesaxuseze 2 Features: -Support all kinds of proxies. -The error will be Overwritten. -Ability To change the timeout. -Ability to change the number of threads. -Parse names of games/addons in a readable form. -Checks the presence of confirmed mail, the presence of a secret question (SQ), the presence of a subscription (Prem). -Maximum Number of threads: 450 -Works Fast: ~ 5000 accounts per minute (SOCKS4, 450 threads). Text files: -TFA. txt (Accounts with two-factor authorization in the form of mail:pass) -Accounts without games. txt (mail:pass) -Accounts with games. txt (see example log) -Accounts with a subscription. txt (same as in a file with games, but in a separate file) -Not valid.txt (mail:pass) https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/ZWFmMWE2ZGViYTFlMjk3MjVhNDQzZGRkOWMxZmVjZmE6MTU1Mzg2ODg5MA==/detection Give me this pls Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites