juoja123 2 well school me then :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itisfrancce 0 Everyone wants to hack their school Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toubibvan 1 Thank you for posting dude, will like :), hope it works tho Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tuandaica 2 Well hello BISHES NIBBAS ASSHOLES :mesvak:, we will learn to install the panel SIB 1. We need a VPS 2. Need files 3. Hands Log in to ISP manager http://prntscr.com/mdv5xm @ We see an unfamiliar window, you can try there to look and see what and how. http://prntscr.com/mdv6pa @ Go to the USER, there we need to create a user http://prntscr.com/mdv7s1 @ Then we fill in everything as on the screen, we will definitely put "ku", fuck the password for me which one you will enter. http://prntscr.com/mdv85y @ Here I put all the checkboxes, because I again fuck everything http://prntscr.com/mdv8ou @ And cheers, you created a user. http://prntscr.com/mdv9ak @ Now we ebashim in the database, we will create a database there, fill in the same way as on the screen, the password again fuck me what will be http://prntscr.com/mdv9x8 @ Hooray, you have created a base, it is empty in size, it’s normal without panic, it’s loaded with me, we don’t look at it. http://prntscr.com/mdvac6 @ Click here http://prntscr.com/mdvayz @ There is such a garbage, guys do not panic, you have our head and fucking do not know how to do it, nothing, huyarim further http://prntscr.com/mdvbkc @ Fill this prick. http://prntscr.com/mdvcd7 @ Hooray, you zahuyarili base, congratulations you my favorite khakis. http://prntscr.com/mdvcm1 @ Now you need to install Lynx, who does not understand, fuck you, just do, look at the screenshots: http://prntscr.com/mdve1d Established, well done. @ Now we will put our notable crontab file. Just watch the screenshots, everything should be clear there. http://prntscr.com/mdvf6g http://prntscr.com/mdvg2x In general, in the crontab, we put a clear dick instead of X's your ip server, Change admin: admin, then you will see the nuance, I’m doing so then I don’t fuck, I put the same password and login everywhere. Suppose that admin: admin. We look further. @ Now edit php.ini http://prntscr.com/mdvhir For stupid who does not know how to edit click once on the file @ http://prntscr.com/mdviqj In the folder from the rook there is php.ini, Look, it should be, from there everything is inserted, press ok. @ Dachshund with all this care figured out, now my shkolokhakery for you to be the most fucked where you are with us tupit. look: Go to our folder with the server, there I circled what you need to click http://prntscr.com/mdvkj5 @ Here we choose our archive http://prntscr.com/mdvkxo @ Ship this garbage and extract, learn to extract, you have a lot of attempts. http://prntscr.com/mdvll2 @ Hooray you have a sib panel but fucking is not configured http://prntscr.com/mdvlz0 @ And now I’ve got a jittery screen and I’ll print everything on the text, we read the school hackers / var / www / ku / data / www / your prick / .htaccess Editing the .htaccess file you should be spelled out: AuthType Basic AuthName "sib service" AuthUserFile /var/www/ku/data/www/.htpasswd2 require valid-user RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^ $ app / webroot / [L] RewriteRule (. *) App / webroot / $ 1 [L] IfModule> AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 Similarly, nothing else. @ Tack with this garbage, we figured out, now rule the files at the entrance and on the base. http://prntscr.com/mdvnqi @ We go along this path, we see a bunch of unfamiliar work, do not panic, everything will be fine, we need to rule them. I'll throw you what should be in the files: Core.php define ('adminlogin', 'admin'); define ('adminpass', md5 ('admin @')); ATTENTION IS RIGHT ONLY THIS TEXT, THERE FOR THE SAME I SET THE SAME LOGIN AND PASSWORD AS CRONTAB, admin: admin There must be a dog at the end, for you have a cunt. @ Now there is also the database.php file. Rule here the text from the database, if you do not remember fucking back when we created it. var $ default = array ( 'driver' => 'mysql', 'persistent' => true 'host' => 'localhost', 'login' => 'ku', 'password' => "here is your password when you created the database", 'database' => 'ku', 'prefix' => '', 'encoding' => 'utf8' ); We change, save, fuck. @ Now we go here http://prntscr.com/mdvr7w Above my favorite school hackers the way is written if anything, we will edit posts_controller.php open it http://prntscr.com/mdvrye CTRL + F and write Host to quickly find the ip and change it change to your and huyarim further @ Taxes dealt with this garbage, now with the file .htpasswd2 See in this prick should be admin: hash that is, that would not explain, show http://aspirine.org/htpasswd_en.html Go here, we have the admin password: admin: admin, in the core as well. (I put it the same everywhere, it's easier for me) now the moment is http://prntscr.com/mdvus3 we put so we press the button and hurray Our admin file was released: $ apr1 $ rgHWwHWb $ l8WCVDG88hr75lhRD4Ef7 / Now we are looking for a .htpasswd2 file in the Rook folder. if not, then we do it ourselves, I sign it 1.htpasswd2, throw it on the server and then change the name to .htpasswd2, attention see where it should be http://prntscr.com/mdvviw Where your server is covered up. @ On the rights, we do so that there are no jambs http://prntscr.com/mdvyzn http://prntscr.com/mdvz43 http://prntscr.com/mdvzi0 We put 777, you can on the crontab Also put 777, on .htpasswd2 as well @ and at the entrance to the server http://prntscr.com/mdvw8d goes like this, do not panic, you need to be careful in entering the password, enter admin: admin @ in our case, with the dog bitch on the end. @ If you entered the password correctly, then such a pizdroyobina will be released http://prntscr.com/mdvwxr without panic, my shkolokhakery, here again we introduce in our case admin: admin @. @ If everything is done correctly, then it will be http://prntscr.com/mdvzpx Special thanks to Rook for all the garbage provided. All questions you can write to me in the cart, just do not be brazen, if you have a stupid question, then prepare Bread and a bottle of birl. IM MESVAK PM ME IF U HAVE ANY QUE ON DISC :MESVAK#7842 god bless ur ass Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
larryso213 4 letsssssssssss seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vdhooft 3 lets see if an old dog can learn some new tricks :) :fiesta: :fiesta: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites