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Hi! I would like to introduce myself.

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Hello! Soo i decided to introduce myself. My coding and cracking name is MyRoWARE and my gaming name is MyroFight. I started with cracking like an year ago and tryed some carding and spamming too but left it for long time. Now this year i decided to come back to cracking. And i want to be active on forums cause i like the community and members i also decided to pay for upgrades here and share my cracked accounts sometimes or some leaks/methods. I hope you will enjoy my content on this forum. I also like playing games in my free time or coding websites if you want to play with me or want me to help you with website fell free to contact me.

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did i allow u to introduce yourself ?

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did i allow u to introduce yourself ?


I dont know.

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nice to know a such experienced friend ;) nice to meet you and welcome

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nice to know a such experienced friend ;) nice to meet you and welcome


Thank you! <3

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