Seph 35 REMEMBER: These tutorials are not written by me and I don't take any credit for them. They may have been leaked on the forum already so don't feel surprised if you've come across a similar/same method. I just share them for the community to read, use and profit from. [hide] Clothing. There are a few different ways to do clothing. I myself like to try on clothingand buy it on the spot (fun thing to do with girls ) so I usually go with giftcard/refunds. To do this, again, make them feel liable. This method is best withbusy chain stores, ie Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Aeropostale, blah blah whatever, as itinvolves the store.Basically send the store a complaint saying something like "i got home put my hands in my brand new $600 coat and my hands got wet,on closer inspection the wet was jizz, and i freaked out and tried to bring it back to a different store in your chain (important) and they wouldn’t take itcause it was all jizzy so I threw away all the clothing and the receipt and amcompletely shocked that your store would allow somebody to jack off into thecoats pocket and not wash it, and have had basically no sleep (it's affecting myjob performance) since this incident and am getting tested for all these STDs and am terrified of what I'll do when the result comes back positive, and on topof that am out $600 omg what to do?". Yeah, used that, and all they gave me was a gift card, but still, I shop there alot. (obviously use a store in another state and say you were on vacation, readstore reviews online to see how busy a store is). Probably best not to use thatexact story, but yeah, the idea that somebody bled, jizzed, or got their skin ontheir clothing and it gave you a disease or made you have an allergic reactionfrom their clothing freaks people out. You can use this kind of thing on lots of stores in different states/ countriesthan you if they are chain stores and say you got it on vacation. You can use stores that sell shit online as well as have real locations too, but this is mostly for clothing vendors. Warning: manager might want to meet you in personif close enough, so pick stores far away. You can also choose to scam the clothing makers, by saying their product is faulty (there's staples in it, it cut me made me bleed! The zipper won't zip! My ray bans screw won’t stay in I’ve had it repaired twice and it still falls out, my pockets have holes, made me lose my wallet. Rarely will need to box method (on vacation in Africa, no stores to return to, usually don’t need to box clothes) Can also say it damaged other clothing you have, no there was no warning tag,made my $800 fur coat blue, even though washed it 928 times, lie lie lie, profit profit profit. Yeah your longtime customer is 2nd/3rd guessing their loyalty to your brand cause of this awful traumatic event. [/hide] If you like my shared content, make sure to hit that like button! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forzadiver24 24 hey man thanks for posting this appreciate your contenet Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toni123 1 THANKS i'LL look int oit need some fresh shit Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrushedMedication 0 Seems really HQ, thank you for posting this guide :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
edywart 0 i wanna see this post. thanks for sharing Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cheesycock123445 1 T If you like my shared content, make sure to hit that like button! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SaturnsVoid 0 Thanks for this, Clothes are always needed! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Armanie 3 Really appreciate it man, get our bread up! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bandit1337 1 thanks bro im gonna check it out now Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lemoneh 0 I've actually tried this method before before joining this forum and another thing I'd like to add is to be very careful with avoiding manager if possible. ran into some trouble once despite being far away. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites