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[GMOD] MenuHook - Lua Hack in Menu | ScriptHook | File Hider | Lua Before Autorun

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1. Load Before Autorun (you can run your lua scripts before loading to the serverat least so conceived

2. Load After Autorun (you can run your lua scripts after loading to the server)

3. File Hider (you can hide the directories with files to the anti-cheat didn't get banned you)

4. Cache Decrypt (you can steal the client files of the server)

5. Detours (you can block the startup lua code on you or break some function of anti-cheat)





Download and put the "garrysmod" folder with the replacement



How to use:

!!!Go to the path "luа/mеnu/mеnuhоok"!!!


~ after_autorun.lua || before_autorun.lua - just insert your lua code there


~ file_hider.lua:

concommands: _mh_filehide || _mh_fileshow - hide directories / show directories


if path:find("lua/bin") then -- if "find path lua/bin" then

chat.AddText("mem") -- then any code

return true -- and return true

end -- end


if path:EndsWith("_scripthook") then -- if "ends with _scripthook" then

chat.AddText("mem") -- then any code

return true -- and return true

end -- end


~ file_manipulator.lua: 

if you are in the menu then

concommands: scripthook_on_load_start || scripthook_on_load_stop -- Scripthook start/stop

all files are in "garrysmod/_scripthook"


~ detours.lua


if b:find("while true do end") then -- if the lua code has this string, then

return "chat.AddText('nice try to crash you')" -- return ""

end -- end


if a:find("anticheat") then -- if there is a folder with such a string in the directories, then

return "" -- return ""

end -- end





~ gui.lua - disabled menu, concommand: _mh

~ name_changer.lua - concommand: setname



All Commands:


_mh - menu [DISABLED]

_mh_gseq_on - replacement of client files on with your own (huds, etc)

_mh_gseq_off - stop

_mh_filehide - hide directories

_mh_fileshow - show directories

_mh_open - example.lua (all lua files are located in "garrysmod/mеnuhоok")

_mh_run - print("Hello World")

setname - set your nickname

scripthook_on_load_start - start scripthook

scripthook_on_load_stop - stop scripthook


Made By/Released By




& no I probably won't give you support

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Sick  :fiesta:

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  On 3/17/2019 at 1:53 AM, Yogpod said:




1. Load Before Autorun (you can run your lua scripts before loading to the serverat least so conceived

2. Load After Autorun (you can run your lua scripts after loading to the server)

3. File Hider (you can hide the directories with files to the anti-cheat didn't get banned you)

4. Cache Decrypt (you can steal the client files of the server)

5. Detours (you can block the startup lua code on you or break some function of anti-cheat)





Download and put the "garrysmod" folder with the replacement



How to use:

!!!Go to the path "luа/mеnu/mеnuhоok"!!!


~ after_autorun.lua || before_autorun.lua - just insert your lua code there


~ file_hider.lua:

concommands: _mh_filehide || _mh_fileshow - hide directories / show directories


if path:find("lua/bin") then -- if "find path lua/bin" then

chat.AddText("mem") -- then any code

return true -- and return true

end -- end


if path:EndsWith("_scripthook") then -- if "ends with _scripthook" then

chat.AddText("mem") -- then any code

return true -- and return true

end -- end


~ file_manipulator.lua: 

if you are in the menu then

concommands: scripthook_on_load_start || scripthook_on_load_stop -- Scripthook start/stop

all files are in "garrysmod/_scripthook"


~ detours.lua


if b:find("while true do end") then -- if the lua code has this string, then

return "chat.AddText('nice try to crash you')" -- return ""

end -- end


if a:find("anticheat") then -- if there is a folder with such a string in the directories, then

return "" -- return ""

end -- end





~ gui.lua - disabled menu, concommand: _mh

~ name_changer.lua - concommand: setname



All Commands:


_mh - menu [DISABLED]

_mh_gseq_on - replacement of client files on with your own (huds, etc)

_mh_gseq_off - stop

_mh_filehide - hide directories

_mh_fileshow - show directories

_mh_open - example.lua (all lua files are located in "garrysmod/mеnuhоok")

_mh_run - print("Hello World")

setname - set your nickname

scripthook_on_load_start - start scripthook

scripthook_on_load_stop - stop scripthook


Made By/Released By




& no I probably won't give you support



Pretty epic

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wow if this works il be amazed, i though Garry protected clientside files?


well the download link is dead so i cant confirm if it works or not?

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nice hax dude  :ezy:

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  On 3/17/2019 at 1:53 AM, Yogpod said:




1. Load Before Autorun (you can run your lua scripts before loading to the serverat least so conceived

2. Load After Autorun (you can run your lua scripts after loading to the server)

3. File Hider (you can hide the directories with files to the anti-cheat didn't get banned you)

4. Cache Decrypt (you can steal the client files of the server)

5. Detours (you can block the startup lua code on you or break some function of anti-cheat)





Download and put the "garrysmod" folder with the replacement



How to use:

!!!Go to the path "luа/mеnu/mеnuhоok"!!!


~ after_autorun.lua || before_autorun.lua - just insert your lua code there


~ file_hider.lua:

concommands: _mh_filehide || _mh_fileshow - hide directories / show directories


if path:find("lua/bin") then -- if "find path lua/bin" then

chat.AddText("mem") -- then any code

return true -- and return true

end -- end


if path:EndsWith("_scripthook") then -- if "ends with _scripthook" then

chat.AddText("mem") -- then any code

return true -- and return true

end -- end


~ file_manipulator.lua: 

if you are in the menu then

concommands: scripthook_on_load_start || scripthook_on_load_stop -- Scripthook start/stop

all files are in "garrysmod/_scripthook"


~ detours.lua


if b:find("while true do end") then -- if the lua code has this string, then

return "chat.AddText('nice try to crash you')" -- return ""

end -- end


if a:find("anticheat") then -- if there is a folder with such a string in the directories, then

return "" -- return ""

end -- end





~ gui.lua - disabled menu, concommand: _mh

~ name_changer.lua - concommand: setname



All Commands:


_mh - menu [DISABLED]

_mh_gseq_on - replacement of client files on with your own (huds, etc)

_mh_gseq_off - stop

_mh_filehide - hide directories

_mh_fileshow - show directories

_mh_open - example.lua (all lua files are located in "garrysmod/mеnuhоok")

_mh_run - print("Hello World")

setname - set your nickname

scripthook_on_load_start - start scripthook

scripthook_on_load_stop - stop scripthook


Made By/Released By




& no I probably won't give you support



i admit its pretty p ...

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