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how to Create Hotspot in laptops with built in CMD

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Sup Fellas ! 


Do you know how to Create Hotspot in laptops with built in CMD and  without using third party softwear ?


If no, then using this file you will be able to create hotspot in your laptop within 20 seconds?


Basically its  a batch file  converted to exe file


We need to run some commands to to make it work, but for you I have simplified the work by arranging the commands into a single file.


You just have to run it with admin rights that's all


Totally virus free, made by me personally, I use it to play multiplayer games via Wlan


By default, U can't change its Network name & Pass , let me share it


Network name- JKL


Pass- 0000000000


In future versions I will add support to make the network name & password customizable


Please use it give feedback about it






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